German New Hampshire

Cool pics, its always nice to see NH's winning ribbons, congrats Rhonda and to your daughter too. great job

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Cool pics, its always nice to see NH's winning ribbons, congrats Rhonda and to your daughter too. great job


Starting to be some nice ones around. I made a cockerel Champion Large Fowl at the New England Bantam Club show a couple weeks back. There were a total of 6 really nice New Hampshires, all shown by Guy Roy.
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Cool pics, its always nice to see NH's winning ribbons, congrats Rhonda and to your daughter too. great job


Thanks Jeff. Sadly, my daughter abandoned me for the upcoming Pensacola show: She will be leaving for Ohio to stay with her grandma for a couple weeks the following Monday, so wanted to stay home and pack. Oh, much for my plans of loading all our best birds into the junior division to avoid being

I like ribbons, but when they help pay the gas money and entry fees that is even better. Between them and one of my Cornish, I came home from Haynesville with $50, which made my husband a lot happier about the trip there!

My spring hatched New Hampshires are finally starting to grow into their big bodies and are filling out. They have been in the gangly teenage years far too long and I wondered if they were ever going to get where I needed them. I will be selling the other two cockerels I kept back leaving me with the one shown, my favorite cock bird, and one additional cock bird from Chris Herzog's lines (BTW....he sold all his LF New Hampshires). I have a total of 3 hens and 4 pullets and all but one are really nice and have decently open tails.

After Florida, I am putting them into breeding pens for an early start for next year. This year, the only land fowl I am hatching are Barred Rocks, Cornish, New Hampshires, Delawares, and probably Easter Eggers (to sell at our local swaps to fuel feeding all my other birds!). This spring I got a little nuts and am still selling off the extra birds I hatched out!
Thanks Jeff. Sadly, my daughter abandoned me for the upcoming Pensacola show: She will be leaving for Ohio to stay with her grandma for a couple weeks the following Monday, so wanted to stay home and pack. Oh, much for my plans of loading all our best birds into the junior division to avoid being

I like ribbons, but when they help pay the gas money and entry fees that is even better. Between them and one of my Cornish, I came home from Haynesville with $50, which made my husband a lot happier about the trip there!

My spring hatched New Hampshires are finally starting to grow into their big bodies and are filling out. They have been in the gangly teenage years far too long and I wondered if they were ever going to get where I needed them. I will be selling the other two cockerels I kept back leaving me with the one shown, my favorite cock bird, and one additional cock bird from Chris Herzog's lines (BTW....he sold all his LF New Hampshires). I have a total of 3 hens and 4 pullets and all but one are really nice and have decently open tails.

After Florida, I am putting them into breeding pens for an early start for next year. This year, the only land fowl I am hatching are Barred Rocks, Cornish, New Hampshires, Delawares, and probably Easter Eggers (to sell at our local swaps to fuel feeding all my other birds!). This spring I got a little nuts and am still selling off the extra birds I hatched out!
I can relate here too, this year I'm not hatching any of my whatchamacallits on purpose If any shows up they will be from sneaky broodies and if so, I hope to find all their little hidey holes and sneak LF eggs (Rocks Reds and NH and Del project) under them. The broodies were extra special too me last season and blessed me with a plethora of u-name-its to do me for a spell. LOL + too my brother is bringing me a cabinet incubator(curse or a blessing?) I haven't decided on that one yet LOL

I have an awesome New Hampshire cockerel coming on now. He is my first ever from my matchmaker matings, all my others I have are from other peoples lines. This year I plan to put my name in the circles of nice stock now that I have me a few groups that I am satisfied will make for good breed stock.

I have 3 of Chris NH here two pretty good hens and a pretty Rooster he is more for eye-candy(gets lots of oohs and ahs) He's a more long lanky(RIR type) boy a tad non typical but very pretty colored and plumage wise (would do if all I had here) but I have 6 more to choose from with the more chunky type NH style body with good enough color to pass on and then I have my X breed NHs from Jeremy(XW poultry) I'm playing with too still mixing and matching up just for pleasure and learning. I think they will make for an awesome meaty type NH we shall see.

Anyway good luck at the show and yes take something that will make Matt squirm around a tad too, he needs a little pressure on him LOL

I can relate here too, this year I'm not hatching any of my whatchamacallits on purpose If any shows up they will be from sneaky broodies and if so, I hope to find all their little hidey holes and sneak LF eggs (Rocks Reds and NH and Del project) under them. The broodies were extra special too me last season and blessed me with a plethora of u-name-its to do me for a spell. LOL + too my brother is bringing me a cabinet incubator(curse or a blessing?) I haven't decided on that one yet LOL

I have an awesome New Hampshire cockerel coming on now. He is my first ever from my matchmaker matings, all my others I have are from other peoples lines. This year I plan to put my name in the circles of nice stock now that I have me a few groups that I am satisfied will make for good breed stock.

I have 3 of Chris NH here two pretty good hens and a pretty Rooster he is more for eye-candy(gets lots of oohs and ahs) He's a more long lanky(RIR type) boy a tad non typical but very pretty colored and plumage wise (would do if all I had here) but I have 6 more to choose from with the more chunky type NH style body with good enough color to pass on and then I have my X breed NHs from Jeremy(XW poultry) I'm playing with too still mixing and matching up just for pleasure and learning. I think they will make for an awesome meaty type NH we shall see.

Anyway good luck at the show and yes take something that will make Matt squirm around a tad too, he needs a little pressure on him LOL



The only thing on my property that would make Matt squirm is just recovering from molt: He still looks like he fought with a weed wacker and was on the losing end. Nowhere near the condition I would need him to be in to even make a single bead of perspiration appear on Mr. Ulrich's
Either way, I am just pretty happy that my birds are doing so well. I used a cock bird I got from an order of eggs out of Florida (only one to hatch out of 8 eggs) over the hens I got from Chris. I hatched out well over a dozen and got down to 3 cockerels and 4 pullets that I kept. Sadly, the best pullet I had got attacked and scalped by her hatch mates in the grow out barn. Now she has a funny crested hair-do, but she'll be a good breeder for next season.
I am going to use the Florida cock bird first, then the cockerel....then putting a Duckworth Barred Rock over them to start my own Delaware project. I am super excited about that and can hardly wait to do it.
Sure hope you get some NH ready to show next year and can make it to one or two local shows!
Wow its nice to see another type New Hampshire from different areas of the world.. I like those the neck/hackle striping, it is far too much (by US Standards) but they are very attractive. I would love to have a male here with that much Columbian striping in the hackles for a Buff Columbian project I've had in mind for a spell now. If you were to find you a nice breeder male with no striping in the neck this would calm down the striping in the neck on the hens in the next generation (if so desired). The US standard calls for the hens necks to be tipped and there's not a certain number but most will say three beads(rows) at the bottom of the neck.(going by a Rhode Island Red hen standard)Males clean of striping. Not knocking your's and I have no clue as to ya'lls standard for them there, but they look good to me though.

thanks for posting and sharing them(enlightenment) LOL

I like the neck/hackle striping, I consider it the most beautiful symbol of this breed. Even in the Czech Republic by now standard have to worry about only three lines but I am worried that it would then be time lost.Rooster had on a special exhibition club NH 94 points and on the small shows 96 points (I was told from his breeder from whom I bought it, - he is officer of the club). Hens also not from my offspring, I bought it and I'll be out of the flock hatch next year. But one hen (pictured) from the flock got on a small exhibition 96 points from a good old assessor ... I can be honest I would like to be in bohemia unchanged, but I have a little space for breeding and selection, and I'm sixteen - it will take a long time before I really breed and I would like to use control nests, wrote in egg-laying hens and the individual chose to breed only the best pieces .. SORRY FOR MY ENGLISH, I WRITE OVER TRANSLATE



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