German New Hampshire

I know what your saying about pullet eggs. I will just call this a test hatch for now. I will not hatch anymore until The first part of March. I do have a GNH rooster with them and they are so much in love with him. We have real nice green grass right now because of the rains we have had. What a beautiful sight watching the 9 pullets and that rooster walk and hunt across that grass.
Let us know how your test hatch goes...yup, green grass is a lovely canvas for these little 'works of art'
I'm still kinda stuck on the subject of the "brown ones" LOL

You know I been thinking about this and yes I say I have seen these "brown" NHs I have some here, havn't yet "throwed" them out to the wolves, probly won't either esp. if one or two are killer in type, production and all the good stuff that makes a NH great, as it is only a color issue again, a low on the totem pole of greatness still yet (unlike the Reds they have to be red red to be what they are). The way I see it here, we are not working with a single colored or single patterned bird here(once again unlike the Reds) these birds are not red. They are mutli-shades of reds, browns, yellows, buff, gold, orange, bay, chestnut, a list as long as you or whomever wants to call them for all the different colors, shades, hues, that make up the plumage of the NH. Then you throw on top of that, (the patterns) of black tailed red, columbian, laced, striped, tipped ect.. which this black must be in all the correct and not correct places esp in genders. So what we are working with here is a party colored bird, right? (no? well that's who's ever opinion) this is mine. So now what if you were to hatch out a super killer little male and one you can tell from the hatcher he is got something and shows this something plumb up till he starts to get his adult plumage in(sex feathers esp) and then, Oops! OMG you see it he's gonna be a what the old timers called"yellow neck"/diluted (look it up in here or the other threads and books on NHs its there) So now, here you got all that invested in him (time, dollars, hope, so on so forth) he won't ever make it at the shows he will always be considered a cull(colorwise) in the cage. But he's a killer boy, remember, so why not try this old breeder move from the "ol' manual on breeding 101" Take an cross him over to a dark(therefore one of those "brown hens") Just might make some of the showiest Champion row killers that ever hit the ring by chance or luck, might not, but I bet it would make for nice looking killer stock to put out in the pasture to gawk at and enjoy in awe and amazement.

You know in the beginning there were two different strains of NH created; a light one and a darker one, each for a specific purpose and I'm sure what we are dealing with today is, results from these two strains being crossed up from way back in the day. So whichever way or whatever your looking for is they way you are to breed them for. You know what, one might even consider what is done with most party colored breeds/varieties, may need to be working with a Dam line and Cock line on these multi-colored, multi-faceted birds, reckon? As my drunken friend Mr.VanZant used to say "It's as simple as that" <mostly spoken with a few slurrs and blurbles LOL

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Jeff and Cindy sounds like you have some help/advise on your breeding of these NH. I am afraid that I am going to mess them up. My hat is off to the two breeders of these birds. I think Mr Reece did a wonderful job to bring these NH's to what they are today.

Lual your chicks are really doing well. I like how thick they are at the age they are.

So I have a question.. I have seen many of everyone's pictures of their new hamshires and was wondering why my single hen is much darker and has more black spots on her neck base, black tipped I should say.. Someone help!!!!

New Hamps are parti colored birds. If you were closer I would gladly give you any brown NH's I get and some do have very good type....hopefully I will not be getting many in the future though. Do you want the ones with stubs too? They are getting rarer as well. These birds continue to amaze me with their performance and quality......a very nice breed of large fowl.


New Hamps are parti colored birds. If you were closer I would gladly give you any brown NH's I get and some do have very good type....hopefully I will not be getting many in the future though. Do you want the ones with stubs too? They are getting rarer as well. These birds continue to amaze me with their performance and quality......a very nice breed of large fowl.


No I'm stub free, never had one with stubs here. Sorry you had to fight that stumbling block Walt. I'm sure you'll get a handle on all of your goings on there ol boy. I'll do just good here if I can't handle it I got gotos(sources) for assistance they are good ones.

Thanks for the offers but I'll pass

Rock on Hamps

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Yesterday I got 11chicks from a different breeder. Looking for a nice rooster from these chicks. I have been getting a lot of black on the hackles and shoulders of my third generation roosters. Hopefully by introducing new blood that problem will stop. Is anyone else having that problem.

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