German New Hampshire

The males appear to take a full year to really fill out.....or that is what I am experiencing. You could show a female at 7 month. I will post pics of birds as they mature. Lual who got eggs from me is taking pictures of their growth so that should be quite interesting.


I saw those over to the H thread I gave kudos
and knew exactly their source

I have so many things I want to do/or try but tell you what I cannot let these NHs lay by the wayside to do others, they are first here.

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Walt, I am interested in what it took to get these birds to where they are. I am amazed by the level of achievement, and a bit intimidated by it. Similar to the pictures of the Black Hamburgs that you had. It took a lot of hard work, skill, and knowledge to develop something like that.
My Catalanas are on the opposite end of the spectrum. Some days I have walked out there and asked what am I doing? Other days, it is I can do this. I do think that I grew out enough to have a chance. I have offspring better than the parents, so we will see. Just comparing the difference between the two levels.
Walt, I am interested in what it took to get these birds to where they are. I am amazed by the level of achievement, and a bit intimidated by it. Similar to the pictures of the Black Hamburgs that you had. It took a lot of hard work, skill, and knowledge to develop something like that.
My Catalanas are on the opposite end of the spectrum. Some days I have walked out there and asked what am I doing? Other days, it is I can do this. I do think that I grew out enough to have a chance. I have offspring better than the parents, so we will see. Just comparing the difference between the two levels.

I will take credit for the quality of the Hamburgs in those pictures because I had them for a very long time, but the NH's are new to me with just one year of breeding here so far. I plan to keep them for a while and try to get some exceptional birds, but that is down the road. There is lots to work on but the basic foundation is already laid. Have you talked to Bridget Riddle about the Catalana's? She has some very good ones. I think she got them from Jay Horn who made some progress with them but I don't think they were to this quality when she bought them. She does a great job with the birds she has. It is always good to have a breed that tests your patience.....this is how we learn.
Yes, I communicate with Bridgett and Jay. Both are very nice people. Jay deserves a lot of credit as well. He started with birds from Ideal hatchery. It was exciting to find the two doing something with them.
Mr. Honour expressed a willingness to give a few pointers along the way. Time will tell on me.
The males appear to take a full year to really fill out.....or that is what I am experiencing. You could show a female at 7 month. I will post pics of birds as they mature. Lual who got eggs from me is taking pictures of their growth so that should be quite interesting.


Each week, on the same day, I have been taking photos since the day they were born. Also, I have their weight chart, as well as feather samples. No! I am not plucking their feathers, just saving some as they molt : ). As well as the brilliance of their color, unique temperament, I am quite surprised of their size, weight, and fast rate of development. Oh, I also have photos of their legs and feet which I took for completely different reasons than showing that they have no stubs. I am simply quite taken by the color of their feet which are cadmium yellow; they look amazing and fake...

Along with the NH., there were 3 English Orp. chicks hatched by the same mother. All the babies were born very close in size and weight. So far at the age of almost 11wks., NH. chicks are considerably bigger, heavier and more developed than the English Orp. chicks. The sire of the Orp's is a 12 pound, under a year old, big boy.

When they are 12 mos. old, I will make an album of NH. & Ko Shamo (Walt Leonard,fowlman01- birds) which will be available on BYC. This idea came to me when I was looking all over the place to find photos of chicks & juveniles of certain breeds; and, was very unsuccessful of finding any. For a novice like myself, it would be very helpful to have some visual samples of what they look like at different ages, and to have some reference to compare against. Specially, following the growth of the same individuals, rather than random photos of different birds from unrelated bloodlines might be of a bit of help to some. I know some might be tired of hearing reference to dog breeding; but, this is what most of us dog breeders do : ) we can't function, get completely lost without charts, photos and 6 gen. pedigrees... and panic!

Each week, on the same day, I have been taking photos since the day they were born. Also, I have their weight chart, as well as feather samples. No! I am not plucking their feathers, just saving some as they molt : ). As well as the brilliance of their color, unique temperament, I am quite surprised of their size, weight, and fast rate of development. Oh, I also have photos of their legs and feet which I took for completely different reasons than showing that they have no stubs. I am simply quite taken by the color of their feet which are cadmium yellow; they look amazing and fake...

Along with the NH., there were 3 English Orp. chicks hatched by the same mother. All the babies were born very close in size and weight. So far at the age of almost 11wks., NH. chicks are considerably bigger, heavier and more developed than the English Orp. chicks. The sire of the Orp's is a 12 pound, under a year old, big boy.

When they are 12 mos. old, I will make an album of NH. & Ko Shamo (Walt Leonard,fowlman01- birds) which will be available on BYC. This idea came to me when I was looking all over the place to find photos of chicks & juveniles of certain breeds; and, was very unsuccessful of finding any. For a novice like myself, it would be very helpful to have some visual samples of what they look like at different ages, and to have some reference to compare against. Specially, following the growth of the same individuals, rather than random photos of different birds from unrelated bloodlines might be of a bit of help to some. I know some might be tired of hearing reference to dog breeding; but, this is what most of us dog breeders do : ) we can't function, get completely lost without charts, photos and 6 gen. pedigrees... and panic!

What an awesome project I'm to disorganized(Fred's word: entropy) to do much on charts. But I like looking at them and seeing the results on like the one you doing good to see that sort of ambition applied kudos to ya, Lual or as the say 'round these parts 'go ahead on'

LOL on the getting lost without them, sometimes I wonder if I'm ever found LOL I think my call name should have been Organized Chaos

What an awesome project I'm to disorganized(Fred's word: entropy) to do much on charts. But I like looking at them and seeing the results on like the one you doing good to see that sort of ambition applied kudos to ya, Lual or as the say 'round these parts 'go ahead on'

LOL on the getting lost without them, sometimes I wonder if I'm ever found LOL I think my call name should have been Organized Chaos


Well.. "Organized Chaos".. that is so very Zen.....

Ohhh, Jeff, I am far, far away from being organized...I am an artist who works with mediums from hot glass, to oils, and my studio always looks like as if tornado just ran through it. On very rare occasions will I allow anyone into it; and when I do; first question I hear is: how do you find anything in here? I do...sort is as you so eloquently put: "Organized Chaos!".......

Yes! I shall try to " go ahead on" as much as I can....I see that you changed your avatar from Sysphus? which said so much in it's self?
I really enjoy reading your "from the heart" posts. I wish you would post photos of some of your birds or where you live; which I imagine must be beautiful and so very Zen......

So I have 2 ISA Brown pullets, two New Hampshire Roos, an one New Hampshire pullet, what can I expect in terms of the next generation of birds?
Well.. "Organized Chaos".. that is so very Zen.....

Ohhh, Jeff, I am far, far away from being organized...I am an artist who works with mediums from hot glass, to oils, and my studio always looks like as if tornado just ran through it. On very rare occasions will I allow anyone into it; and when I do; first question I hear is: how do you find anything in here? I do...sort is as you so eloquently put: "Organized Chaos!".......

Yes! I shall try to " go ahead on" as much as I can....I see that you changed your avatar from Sysphus? which said so much in it's self?
I really enjoy reading your "from the heart" posts. I wish you would post photos of some of your birds or where you live; which I imagine must be beautiful and so very Zen......




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