German New Hampshire

Paul has my New Hampshires. I don't know if he bred them with the ones he had, or just kept mine, or what. It was 3 or 4 years ago. We traded - He gave me Delawares and I gave him New Hampshires. We met half way. He is a very nice guy. I like him alot.

I did not know he had Barred Rocks. I don't have an extra Barred Rock, or I would send you one. I have no eggs either, as they are all molting.

I agree he is very nice. I ordered Dels from him last year. They were late and he was so nice when I told him he was entitled to get a refund on the postage, reminded me I had paid the postage and sent it back to me. Not everyone would be so honest.

That of course is why I would recommend him and order from him again.
I got my NH rooster from Jwhip this morning. Nice boy, will take some pictures when he settles down and recovers.

Did you send any of your NHs to anyone up my way?

Not that I recall offhand, without looking it up.
you have some of the best New Hampshire's I have seen, you don't need anything else.


Mrs. Kathy does have some good'uns
My ones I have from her group has just finished up their molt and look absolutely awesome and when they get their nice bright red combs and wattles back, they will even look more glorious. I have them a beau all ready and willing to participate in producing the next round of "orange" chickens here at the "Red Roo Inn" (just kidding with the name) I just think it sounds unique I don't have and roos here, just chickens and dogs. and a couple of Peas, too. LOL

Here are a few photos of some of my pure German cockerels. I'm in the process of deciding which to keep. I like the first one, the one on wire. I had to lighten the photos, then they looked grainy. I don't think my flash was working.


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