German New Hampshire

Lual your NH are really looking good, beautiful color and good size for there age. They will be laying eggs before you know it. It lookalike you have a real nice area for them to run in.

Lual your NH are really looking good, beautiful color and good size for there age. They will be laying eggs before you know it. It lookalike you have a real nice area for them to run in.


Thank you very much Scott!! I am in shock as to their fast growth. The cockerels are taller than my Eng. Orps. Two days ago, Walt came over to evaluate them in person. Well, I was beyond happy about his visit, yet, scared a bit; because Walt nit picks his own birds, and views them with a very critical eye.. I was so relieved that he liked them : ) : ) : ) Yay!!!!!!!
Now, I am looking forward to them reaching show age and development.

I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!

Cindy your pullet is a nice looking bird. It sure did stir up some conversation on Facebook. I enjoyed it.

Thank you Scott!

The FB response kind of took me by surprise....just something 'bout these "Orange Chickens"
I am curious as to what the difference is in a New Hampshire and a German New Hampshire. After 35 years of raising and showing birds I saw my first really good New Hampshire at your show. I know very little about them but would like to know more.

I am curious as to what the difference is in a New Hampshire and a German New Hampshire. After 35 years of raising and showing birds I saw my first really good New Hampshire at your show. I know very little about them but would like to know more.

Contact Matt1616 on here he's got both and he can give a little history to them too. its all in this thread too if you start from the beginning.

Kind of quiet here. My birthday the other day. I got the book The Call Of The Hen and subscription to the poultry press. That is just wonderful. They both will be good reading.
I have a comparison going on at my place. Among the chicks I have growing up right now I have a group of German/Amercan NH and a group of German/American/Good Sheppard NH. They are all pretty much the same age (10 weeks) and are doing well. So far the Good Sheppard NH are feathered out more and look like they weigh more. The Germans even at this age have a wider tail. I drove to Kansas a couple of weeks ago and bought the Good Sheppard chicks from a lady. It should be interesting to see how they turn out. I am going to let them grow out a little more before I take pictures of them

Yah !!! My GNH from Kathy are laying like gang busters right now. I Got them in April. They sure are pretty wish I could post pic. but have not been able too. The roo died of an injury a little over one month ago drats. I think Id like to keep the line going about every other yr.

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