German New Hampshire


Almost ready for my first show Sat. These cockerals have kicked my but this week trying to keep them calm getting their large/heavy bodies into and out of the cage door. Once in or out they were perfectly calm from day one. I have bruises, scratches and a bite and it takes every bit of my strength to hold their wings next their bodies. Nothing like getting hit about the face and ears with large powerfull wings. Is this one of the dirty little secrets to showing large fowl??? :) Honestly, I am loving every bit of it!!!

They look really nice. Love their tails. Last year when I was struggling to carry a tom turkey out after a show, a guy commented "that's why I show bantams"..
Thank you!
They look really nice. Love their tails. Last year when I was struggling to carry a tom turkey out after a show, a guy commented "that's why I show bantams"..
Thank you! After bathing the two cockerals and four pullets I am taking, being soaked to the bone, feeling seriously defeated and thinking that showing chickens was probably not going to be my thing, Seramas were sounding pretty good!!!!
Here are some pics. from the PNPA show this past weekend. The NH were very well represented, there were about 24 entered (most belonging to one breeder) and some absolutely exceptional birds as you will see from the score cards on the cages. The judges were impressed and extremely helpfull. One worked hands on with me and my pullets after the judging was over, I learned a ton. My first impression of the other birds when I arrived was that they were very large. I asked the judge how much that influenced his placings and he said greatly. If the type was there and all else good, the larger birds would win and they did :) No big wins by me but I held my own and my birds were well received, it was great fun!

First two pics are my cockerals, did not get any good ones of my pullets. The rest of the pics are of birds on champion row by another breeder. Again, truly exceptional and large birds! Wish I could have gotten a better pic. of the grand champion cockeral of the whole show but there are two not great pics. of him, just an incredible bird in person!!!!!


Almost ready for my first show Sat. These cockerals have kicked my but this week trying to keep them calm getting their large/heavy bodies into and out of the cage door. Once in or out they were perfectly calm from day one. I have bruises, scratches and a bite and it takes every bit of my strength to hold their wings next their bodies. Nothing like getting hit about the face and ears with large powerfull wings. Is this one of the dirty little secrets to showing large fowl??? :) Honestly, I am loving every bit of it!!!

They are in excellent condition. Beautiful birds.

I thought that all of your cockerels had too much color in their tail feathers?

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