German New Hampshire

I'm sorry to interrupt.
But is that a NH roo in your avi?

Yes, but not the best possible example.
Hi, @crazyhen , yes, she's beautiful!!!
My DH ordered me some New Hampshire chicks late last summer. We're doing some research now, b/c apparently the NH did not escape the industrialization of chicken breeding. =(
I was wondering if I can join your thread and get some opinions from you and others about mine.

Share some pictures.
He's handsome though. He looks big. My lead roo is much larger than the other three. (is that a bad thing?

He has some things to commend him. He has some color issues, but he had reasonable depth and good width. His color was better in person. It is hard to capture. He ended up having more lift (tail). Over all he was pretty good. Just nothing to brag on, but there are not many of those.

Larger than the other three, good or bad, depends on their size. How much do the weigh?
He has some things to commend him. He has some color issues, but he had reasonable depth and good width. His color was better in person. It is hard to capture. He ended up having more lift (tail). Over all he was pretty good. Just nothing to brag on, but there are not many of those.

Larger than the other three, good or bad, depends on their size. How much do the weigh?

I'll have to weigh them. That involves going outside, which I try to avoid this time of year. lol But I really want to know, so I'll try to do that as soon as I can.

Also, I'm working on getting pics posted. DD (went outside for me and) took some pics for me (some = about a billion and three, so I'm sorting through them right now and eliminating the umpteen-million-th one of each kind). I think I might be able to get them on tomorrow. =)
Okay. I finally have the pics on my computer. I'm sorry to have taken so long.

This is Picard, my lead rooster. He was the largest from early on and the fastest growing and earliest to mature. He showed a little aggression toward me once, but when I pushed him hard with my foot, he learned his lesson and he mostly avoids me now, except when I'm trying to let his hens out of the other coop.
These two pics are both Riker, my second rooster. He was a little quicker to mature than the other male in the same set, but about even with the one we still have from the second set (of NHs we got). He's sweet and quiet. He isn't aggressive and doesn't really approach anyone except my oldest, who helps me take care of the chickens.
This is Bootsy. He's the smallest of the first set of NHs we got. He was smaller than almost all the females in that set. He was unable to fly out of the coop (about 1') for at least two weeks after all the others were able to.

Those are my roosters from the first set. I have to check my phone and see if my DD got pics of the one from the second set. And I'll post pics of some of my females in a separate post. I'm looking forward to input from more experienced keepers of NHs. =)
This is one of the females from the first set. She's super friendly and she likes to hang out with DD while she's hanging laundry. She's been checking out the nesting box, the past week -/+ and she was practicing her egg song this morning (no egg yet, just singing about it I guess).

These are just some pics of my girls. Please let me know what you think. =)

IDK why she took this pic, probably just for a close up, in case it might help. It doesn't show the black spots on the neck, and some of the younger set of girls don't have those yet, but all the bigger girls and some of the older ones do.

This is one of the younger set. (Christmas, b/c she happened to end up with a red tag and a green tag.)

This is also a younger one. (Green, b/c she has one green tag.)

The girl in the front, facing the camera, is one of the older set. (Rojo, b/c she has two red tags; the one with one red tag is Red.) Anyway...IDK whether the one in the back is from the first set or second, but we think she's from the second.

This is a better picture of Rojo (older female, same group as Blue, in the top pic). See the dark spots on her neck? They're darker IRL.

As with the males, these are just some of my girls. I'll post more pics later, if anyone needs to see a particular shot, angle, etc. And please share your experience and thoughts with me. =)
These New Hampshires you all are posting pictures of are beautiful. Where does one get eggs to hatch or chicks from this line?

The German strain is not very common. I should have eggs to sell later in the spring, but now the few they are laying are all frozen. PM me if you want eggs and we'll work it out if spring ever gets here.

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