German New Hampshire

The two males that I've processed (at about 30 weeks) have had nicer breast meat than other roosters I've processed (Leghorn, NHxBO, and BOxGLW among them). Also, my lead male feathered out very early (much earlier than the rest of his flock) and matured very early (much earlier than the other males).

"in time" for what? If I may ask.

Not "in time" as in the "nick of time", but that in the process of time we might be successful.
Not "in time" as in the "nick of time", but that in the process of time we might be successful.

I've been studying too hard. lol Summer will be a welcome break!
That makes more sense. Thanks.

this is my cockerel Reginald, he is very large and broad chested. His legs could be a little more yellow but apart from this he is a very good Roo... especially to his ladies
Sorry haha just getting used to the BYC slang, what is SOP?

Standard of Perfection. That is the written description of the breed that judges use. The closer a bird is to the SOP, the higher it should place in a show (compared to the competition). At least that's the theory - judges being human, sometimes personal preferences or familiarity play a role in the comparisons too.
Standard of Perfection. That is the written description of the breed that judges use. The closer a bird is to the SOP, the higher it should place in a show (compared to the competition). At least that's the theory - judges being human, sometimes personal preferences or familiarity play a role in the comparisons too.

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