German New Hampshire

Where can I find some NHR in northeast TN?

I ordered my NHs from a hatchery. What kind of quality are you looking for? If you want NH chickens, you can just order from a hatchery too. If you're looking for breeder quality, then you need to find out about a breeder. If you're looking for show quality, then you need to find a breeder with SQ stock.
Just as in deciding what breed you want, what you want to put into your chickens and what you want to get out of them is what dictates what you get. Make sense?
12 day old New Hampshire chicks. Their first day outside. We picked up a free wire dog crate with the intention of using it for the chicks, but I had some scrap wood laying around, so used it instead. After a little bit they started pecking and running around. Flying and jumping out and back in. They had a great time, and so did my daughter.

12 day old New Hampshire chicks. Their first day outside. We picked up a free wire dog crate with the intention of using it for the chicks, but I had some scrap wood laying around, so used it instead. After a little bit they started pecking and running around. Flying and jumping out and back in. They had a great time, and so did my daughter.
Beautiful picture! Always good to see kids involved with chickens!
Thanks. She is very involved with them and waiting patiently for them to grow up. She will hopefully be showing some this fall in the local exhibitions. She's a little young for 4h so we're getting her into Cloverbuds and hoping that can qualify her for the 4h shows. If not the PA Farm Show will be in January.

The chicks came from Luanne at 8 Acres Farm.
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Thanks.  She is very involved with them and waiting patiently for them to grow up.  She will hopefully be showing some this fall in the local exhibitions.  She's a little young for 4h so we're getting her into Cloverbuds and hoping that can qualify her for the 4h shows.  If not the PA Farm Show will be in January.

The chicks came from Luanne at 8 Acres Farm.

I have been recommending Luanne's birds for a while now. Would be interested in seeing pictures of them when they get to be 5 months or so

I have been recommending Luanne's birds for a while now. Would be interested in seeing pictures of them when they get to be 5 months or so

No problem on the updates. I plan on documenting their growth and asking advice here as far as culling, along the way. We're new to exhibition poultry and trying to figure out the dominate and recessive traits would be too much without the great people on this site.
I still have memories of enjoying growing birds as a kid, and still have a child like interest every spring.

Hopefully you will get a decent trio out of the batch. The averages can work for you or against you. With smaller batches it can be like rolling dice. If the parents are any good, once you get to quantities of 25 etc,, you can be assured of a few decent birds.

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