German New Hampshire

I have not gotten my book yet, I just ordered it but is this really the pic in the SOP book for the NH's? If so I would say we have our work cut out for us as far as colors go. LOL I'm not so worried about the tail angle now!!! lol wow!!!


I have not gotten my book yet, I just ordered it but is this really the pic in the SOP book for the NH's? If so I would say we have our work cut out for us as far as colors go. LOL I'm not so worried about the tail angle now!!! lol wow!!!


Yeah! that's the it Chris, your post cracked me up LOL

Edgar takes the credit for this painting too, he said so himself 'He had Jackie to change it' to this painting. We've had this discussion before on the heritage thread I'm sure it was. We even tried to get him to answer on how to lighten these birds up, what he could suggest. Around that time was the last time he's posted anything at all, just when he was trying to recruit folks to got to the NH breeders club last spring. Haven't seen hide nor hair of him since then. I wish he would come back to here and shed some more light on these matters and help out. I want to see his birds too he should upload some even though they are bantams he says they're the right color, Ok, let's see. I've only seen one on the feathersite and its a bad photo there.


It seems to me that Mr. Mongold was here recruiting for folks to join the newly formed New Hampshire Club.
We never did get our questions answered when we did ask. We hear he is the expert with New Hampshires........
I would love to see pictures too.

AND...... WHERE are all those fabulous American New Hampshires, that we all hear about, hiding?The photos HERE are from like 2003 ! Really? Really, is that it???? Most of those are just bantams, too. Where are the large fowl New Hamps?
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I need to talk to the guy I know that has some American New Hamps and see if he has any pictures...

That would be great! If they are good birds...... get me some eggs, will ya?
I have not gotten my book yet, I just ordered it but is this really the pic in the SOP book for the NH's? If so I would say we have our work cut out for us as far as colors go. LOL I'm not so worried about the tail angle now!!! lol wow!!!


CHRIS the SOP says"tail carried at a 45 degrees with main tail feathers broud and overlaping main sickel feathers broud med in lenth and extending WELL beyond main tail "

and as i said befor tail is about 5 or 10 edgress to hight but not way to low as others i have seen
CHRIS the SOP says"tail carried at a 45 degrees with main tail feathers broud and overlaping main sickel feathers broud med in lenth and extending WELL beyond main tail "

and as i said befor tail is about 5 or 10 edgress to hight but not way to low as others i have seen
Yea, Banjoe I was making a joke about the tail angle thing after seeing how far off the colors are from all my birds.
The old Shilling picture, Bob Blosl had posted somewhere....

Yeah that's the old picture from way back before the one now was redone in the SOP its fuzzy looking but I've seen better examples of it too. Some of the hatcheries back in the eighties used to use it for their pics in their sales brochures. I think if you go back to the early eighties and beyond SOP these are the pics used I guess back till they were Black and White (which I'd get more out of than the pumpkin colored one of today). I'm sorry, it's a sorry excuse for a picture esp in something as important as the SOP IT'S A BOOK WHICH IS USED TO JUDGE BY and should be more clear in its on-goings for sure. Oh by the way look at that female what does she look like, almost identical to the GNH color HUH? Somethings fishy here and I want clearer understanding on such stuff. Why did Mr. Mongould have the painting changed to BUFF(orange) whatever color they are, to match his color he created when making his bantams HUH? the colors described in the SOP (and I'm sure they haven't been tainted since the 40's when the NH came about) DON"T match the picture in the book. I'm sorry but I'm not illiterate(can't type worth a hooey but....) or color blind either. Its got to be political somehow (It just smells fishy to me). Also too I've gathered this from more than one higher official on these German NH's, there seems to be some tone (something against) going across the pond to get them. Well if they don't like them get to spreading the word or better yet get the product (American NH) out there for people to be able to have and see.
I know I come across as an S.O.B. sometimes, yep especially if its something/subject I care for and have a desire and passion about. (straight shootin' and no beating around the bush)

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