German New Hampshire

OK, I have a bird with a problem (a GNH) and so now I have some questions for you all.

My oldest roo who is not quite a year old and the one that I like the best developed a problem with his right foot. I have no idea what he did or how he did it but it’s defiantly bothering him. There has been no swelling and no cuts and compared to his good foot/leg everything looks fine but he will not put his foot flat on the ground. When he steps he put his weight on his toes but holds the ball of his foot off the ground. If I hold him up and put presser on the ball of his good foot he doesn’t mind but he does not like it at all on his bad foot. When standing still he stands most of the times on his good leg holding the bad leg up off the ground.

Right after I found him limping, I separated him from everyone else and put him in one of my larger grow out pens by himself to see if his foot would get better with rest. It’s been about a month now and there has been no change. He limps just as bad now as he did a month ago. I put a hen in with him the other day to see if he could still be used as a breeder and he could not mount the hen with his foot like it is.

This is very frustrating to me because I’m torn between giving him more time because he is my best all around type roo, or doing the humane thing and putting him down right away. Other than the limp he does not look to be in pain but how does one really know anyway…any thoughts?


Well, last night I decided that it was time to put my favorite GNH roo down. He looked as though he was getting better but last night he really looked like hell. I think Walt called it right from the beginning, (Mareks disease). Lucky for me I hatched 9 chicks from this roo that I still have and I also have his younger brother who looks really good himself. With any luck I won’t have to deal with this again anytime soon!!!


I am trying to start the culling process of my German NH roos. They are approximately 3-4 months now. I know it is a bit early but I have a several roos and want to cut out obvious culls and then keep the others for later culling. Personally I am glad I have several roos as they are all a bit different.
I have two different body types. I have the roos that seem to nhave a longer back and straight tail that does not appear to be as full. Then the other ones are appear to have a bit more substance, shorter back and full tails. Attached are photos of the two types together and then the individual photos. Just looking to see what body type is preferred. Myself I like the roo with a bit more substance and full tails. The others are also lankier and taller.

Just my opinion....Keep your birds with the long backs and flat tails......They look great once they fill out. The short back birds end up with no back and the tails end up way to high.

Just my opinion....Keep your birds with the long backs and flat tails......They look great once they fill out. The short back birds end up with no back and the tails end up way to high.


Hi Chris,
I haven't culled anything yet. My first ones will be 6 months in 2 weeks and I have really been watching them close. I was thinking just what you said about the long backs and flat tails. I have 2 that I think I am going to keep and put the others in the freezer.
Hi Chris,
I haven't culled anything yet. My first ones will be 6 months in 2 weeks and I have really been watching them close. I was thinking just what you said about the long backs and flat tails. I have 2 that I think I am going to keep and put the others in the freezer.
would love to see some pics
I am going to take photos of my birds this weekend. I wish other folks would do so too. Mine were born in Feb and some in March. I AGREE I wish folks would post PHOTOS of their birds.

Also does anyone have a photo of what a tail break looks like?
Also does anyone have the New Hampshire standard where it describes in details qualities of the bird. Such as what the color of beak, legs, what the comb should look like, length of back, width of bird etc available. If so please post.

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