getting a goat and got ?'s


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 14, 2009
Toney, AL
We are getting a baby pygmy goat next weekend. I grew up around goats when I was a kid and we had lots of them.
This little guy is being bottle feed. He's the only one I can find and im worried he'll be lonely.
Can he stay with chickens for company? I have silkies in my side yard which is plenty big enough for now. Would he make a huge mess in the chicken house at night?
How about a turkey for company? We've wanted a turkey for awhile now.

We're gonna fence the inside perimeter of my back yard for him when he's bigger. I have a big back yard. Would love to fence off my extra land but will cost way too much. Not to mention all the loose dogs out here!
Chickens and turkeys will not make good companions. Also the chicken feed could be deadly to the goat. If you can find another goat, that would be best. He really will need another goat buddy.

Good luck with your goat.
A goat without a goat friend is a lonely goat.

A lonely goat is a goat that seeks a way to escape.

An escaped goat is a disaster waiting to happen.

Find him a friend.
Its very hard to find them too. My husband said he knows someone at the tattoo shop that has fainting goats. I remember my ex's parents had some and they were smaller than their other goats.
yeah i second the chicken feed is deadly to them! And it would be sad to not have another. they are herd animals and it is very important. Best of luck! I got my 2 nigerians on CL, they needed re-homing
Check out my BYC page
I agree with goats needing another goat for a friend. Especially bottle babies. They get so needy that he will drive you crazy with all his bawling to be close to you.
I hope you can find him a friend before you bring him home. Otherwise he will be making a lot of noise when you leave him at night.

This site has lots of goat people from all across the country. You may want to check it out to find a goat friend for your goat. I second the need for a goat friend. Or five or six.
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I think your pygmy needs a buddy.

Perhaps look into getting an older goat?

Keep your eyes open, I wasn't planning on getting goats this early but I saw them on zeh interwebz and snapped 'em up!

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