Getting another chicken from the same flock

Hello and welcome to BYC!

I am sorry you are having so much troubles. Unfortunately many birds from auctions are sick. Very few people take birds to auction that are healthy, they take the sick ones. You are better off knowing your breeder, getting birds from friends or hatcheries. Even off the bulletin board from a feed store...but auctions, flea markets, swaps and craigslist are no no's for the most part. 

Bubbles in the eyes mean either MG or Coryza. Both are bacterial respiratory infections. Coryza will cause gummy eyes and the face will smell really bad. MG usually causes more runny secretions, not so sticky.  I would get all your birds on some Sulfadimethoxine or Duramycin. Both of these will take care of respiratory issues. If you have really hard water, you will need to use RO water or Distilled water. If the meds turn blue in the water after a couple of hours, use Ro or have hard water. Make a new batch daily. You can order these things on line from  many pet and poultry supplies. SOME feed stores will carry them. Both of these bacterial infections stay with the bird the rest of their days. So any birds you add will be subjected to this disease. 

Good luck and I hope you can get them cleaned up soon! 
thanks for the information my new pullets I just bought have been vaccinated do you think they will get it too I'm most appreciated for you help
I wanna ask a question I bought some chickens from an auction which I will never do again because they were sick I am new to the whole chicken thing well I've come to like them so I kept them and put them on the tetracycline they are buff orpington and noticed the rooster had a rasp goin on so I medicated them and they got better then one of my hens a few weeks later her cone turned blue and and she had diarrhea bad then she died well all the other chickens was doing fine so I figured I'd get some more so I bought 8 pullets new Hampshire reds and got them in a pen inside the pen so they could get used to one another now I noticed my rooster has some bubbles in his eye I'm in a mess and need help please ask anything and I'll answer it I just need to get this fixed now so please help

This would be better for you to have posted your own thread in the emergency section so you can elaborate. Hopefully someone will pop in with some answers to help.

Eta-laggy Internet made me mis the post from above. I hope you chickens get better!
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Howdy gajugrah and welcome to BYC

If I may, I would also be a little concerned about the coop size for 3 x LF’s and also the security of the run you currently have but, having said that, some concerns may be allayed by your location.

For example, here, due to our climate, the coop is only ever used for laying of eggs and sleeping, the rest of the time is spent in the run or out on supervised free range. So, while they obviously still need room in the coop to sleep, lay eggs and move around etc, as they do not spend much time in there, it does not need to be huge.

If you live in a climate that requires them to spend time in the coop for warmth, shelter etc, if they do not have enough room, they may squabble and start feather picking and worse out of boredom.

With the security of the run .. again, here, that would be minimally OK as I work from home and live in an area that has next to no predators; my biggest risk would be an overfed neighbour cat or stray dog BUT there is always the risk of aerial predators, Hawks for example. So, while it would be OK here, I prefer to be safe not sorry and have a secure, covered run. Also, the extra security in the run including a cover, helps to keep out unwanted, freeloading feed and egg stealers like Crows.

Depending on your circumstances you may wish to secure the run a bit more.

Lastly, I started with only 2 pullets and sadly, one passed away leaving one on her own. She was very sad and I had to dash out and find her a companion quickly; lucky I was able to do that. So yep, I think getting the extra one is probably a good idea in that you will have that ‘buffer’ should you need it.

Good luck with whatever decision you make and enjoy your girls .. be warned, they are addictive

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