Getting bunnies what to expect and what to buy?

Hi! Rabbits are fun, I think you'll enjoy them as pets. :) I've always wanted to breed, too, (can't right now since I'm living with my parents) so if you do end up going that route hopefully it goes well!

I see you've been helped with big picture stuff, so I wanted to add a few finer details aha. Basically you want to keep away from pet store food stuff--pellets, treats, and probably hay. The prices of tiny bags of hay versus big bales you can get is ridiculous. Plus, a small bag of hay isn't gonna last your rabbit long at all. Pellets and treats that are often sold, especially the 'fun colorful' stuff is full of dyes and other things that aren't good for your rabbits either.

As everythingducks mentioned, alfalfa hay is good for young rabbits, but is too high in calcium for older rabbits, so you'll want to switch to timothy or some other type.

For treats, there are some treats like from oxbow that are natural and good for them, just be cautious of treats with dyes and junk in them. I, and most people, give my rabbits limited amounts of fruits and veggies as treats. You can find lists everywhere online for what is okay for them to have! Rabbits love all kinds of fruits, they just have to be fed in small amounts infrequently since they are high in sugar.

Also, a lot of little ailments/injuries for rabbits can be treated at home, too. They don't need frequent vet visits, either. Lots of people online that I see tend to freak out when their rabbit is sick, but for many things they panic and rush their bun to the vet for, I've been able to treat at home for practically no cost.
I suggest that when your rabbit is sick you pause and do some research before doing anything, so you can make that decision on whether a vet is needed or not. There ARE some emergencies or treatments that will need a vet, like any animal. But I always suggest this to people because it's always nice to save money and save your rabbit the stress of the car ride and visit. :)

One big sickness, tho, is GI stasis, where basically their gut is blocked/bloated with gas and they can't poop. It can be very serious, but you can treat them with baby's gas drops and syringe feed some (unsweetened, usually baby food) pumpkin.
I have discovered, through my rabbits lol, other various things you can do for small ailments so if you want any others I can share! But this got very long, sorry. 😅

The one thing I always feed my rabbits when they are sick and/or not eating, though, is critical care. It's also great to get meds in them, too. If you don't already have this, I highly suggest you get it! It's a powder you mix up with water that gets nutrients into the rabbit, usually syringe fed. I swear it has probably saved my rabbits' lives more than once.

Hope you have fun with your rabbits and hope I was some help!

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