Getting chicken to explore outside


Apr 11, 2024
So, I have almost 8 week old Favorelle's they are sweethearts and have been in there coop for 2 weeks. I kept them inside for 1 week to acclimate to their home, then opened their hatch door to explore outside in a secured pen. They will not go outside. A couple of them have looked out near the opening, I have taken two of them outside but they run back in as quick as I put them outside. Any suggestions? Thanks!
It's normal for small chicks to be hyper aware of their vulnerability to predators, both sky and ground, and not want to be far from the safety of cover. Is the run open to the sky or covered? That makes a big difference. They will soon take that first step outside, usually following the boldest chick.

But it may be a while after they step outside before they venture any farther than just a few feet until they feel safe. But be aware that the coop will look much different to them once they're outside. You will probably need to teach them to go inside at night.
Thanks for responding. Their pen outside is completed surrounded with wire, so they are nice and safe. One of them today poked her head out and pecking at a few bugs right by the opening, so hopefully it won't be long. They have a huge inside coop which they love, went to a yard sale and bought an old time wooden sled that they love to stand on.
you know the wire will keep them safe from aerial predators, but they don't. They will be looking for plant cover. If you have some shrubs in pots, put them in the pen near the coop and they may venture out to dash under it. Failing shrubs, put in anything that offers them somewhere to hide from the big wide world until they get accustomed to it.

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