Getting closer one baby step at a time


In the Brooder
7 Years
May 16, 2012
Italy, Europe
Hi chicken lovers,
I have considered having my own chickens for years! I think it's time to make this dream a reality... I want to raise happy chickens and have my toddler grow up with a green mind - and getting the eggs from the coop in the mornings!
My hubby now has sent me on a quest to find small coop plans so he can start building the chickens' house! Mid June-ish should be around the time when we'll extend our family by 2 Red Star pecking chicks! I am excited like a little kid!
I'll look for any info and personal experiences here!
Thanks, chicken friends!
Hello and :welcome

Our first chickens were a couple of red stars too. They're awesome birds, and very hardy too. Make sure they've got heat and water, and you should be fine! (Sometimes they will poo in their food and water, that's why a lot of people prefer raised feeders/waterers)

Good luck!! :)
Don't hesitate to ask any questions you might have, and enjoy the site. :D

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