Getting Expensive!!!!

I don't knoooww...... I think it might be best to come build my dream coop first and make sure that is really something you ought to do.....

(Seriously, I say build!)
Ok...........I want a coop with two sides.
RIR's on one side, and BOs on the other.
I want a little center "foyer" to store feed and such that then enough room to have 20 on each side.

What say you? How big?
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If you think you can scratch some money from here and there, then go ahead with your dream coop otherwise you will spend more if you do here a little one and there a little one.
Best luck.
Well, that answers the Saturday question of the day "What did Mikeeeeee get at the poultry auction last night?". (HeHeHe)

Unless you find a new place to go on Friday nights.....go ahead and build the dream coop and multiple runs.
You've just gotten started! Claudia
Once you go to the chicken auction, youre done for.
Its all over.

Actually there were no fertile eggs there last night. Only eating eggs.
But I'm getting some fertile eggs tommorow from a buddy down the road.

I'm actually thinking I'm going to have to build at least a 20x 20 coop.
Gosh.........what is that going to cost me?
You are worse than a junkie sitting in a room lined with your favorite drug, asking the crowd of dopeheads sitting around the room if you should use a little or a lot!!!!LOL

What do you really expect THIS crowd to say????
I'm in the EXACT same boat. I've got 2 tractors built out of 90% recycled materials, and I will eventually want/need something more substantial. The best freedom of my "dream project" is that I DON'T have to design it around my exisiting materials!! And, now that I have learned a lot of lessons from the first two, it will be MUCh better designed.

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