Getting Goat kids

I've had goats for over 10 years. Welcome to insanity! :lol: I have myotonics, boers, and crosses. From my experience, they faint at 66% myotonic or higher.

Definitely find out if the kids are weaned. If they are dam raised, wait until they are 8 weeks. If they are bottle raised and under 8 weeks, make sure you know what you are getting yourself into before you take them.

For the dewormer, you need to find out which worms you're dealing with before you deworm. Here in the states there is a lab you can mail fecal samples to, but I'm not sure about Canada. If you are very, very lucky, there will be a vet in your area experienced with goats. Even if they are not experienced with goats, they will still be able to run a fecal for you.

Goats for the most part don't need a lot of medical care, but you do need to be prepared. Like most animals, they pick the middle of the night, a rainstorm, or a blizzard to need help, just to keep us on our toes and make us crazy :barnie

There are lots of online resources, the very best I have found is There is a wealth of information on there, my go to whenever I have a problem. I am lucky enough to have an experienced vet about an hour away, but when a goat gets sick, it needs immediate attention, and you're mostly handling things by yourself. Also, ask around your area to see if there is anyone with goats near you that can show you the ropes. Giving vaccinations and figuring out dosages for dewormers and meds can seem intimidating, but it's not that hard. You'll be giving shots like a pro in no time! Also, get together a med kit with the things you'll need in the middle of the night when the stores are closed.
I'm curious about goats too, I've heard don't buy goats at auctions, or notice any funky odor, odd behaviors of that sort. Is this true? Where can I buy a Doe and Buck (mini goats preferred) please? your thoughts on this??
You can have baking soda out for them as long as you'd like, just like the minerals. but I only provide it if one of my goats are looking bloated. It's up to you how much you want to provide.
I give mine loose minerals, Which looks and feels a lot like sand. Never tried powdered minerals before.

here are some good cheap ideas that caught my eye, Also if you ever come across wooden spools snatch them up! Goats love them~
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I'm curious about goats too, I've heard don't buy goats at auctions, or notice any funky odor, odd behaviors of that sort. Is this true? Where can I buy a Doe and Buck (mini goats preferred) please? your thoughts on this??
Goats can carry all kinds of chronic wasting diseases so you need to be careful when you purchase them, and from where. Good goats can be gotten at auction but you can't always tell what one is carrying, and what other diseases were brought in with all the different animals coming together.

That being said, I have bought goats from private people that had infectious absesses, or CL. So it's always best to learn quickly bit about them first, than seek out people who breed them who can hopefully help.
I'm curious about goats too, I've heard don't buy goats at auctions, or notice any funky odor, odd behaviors of that sort. Is this true? Where can I buy a Doe and Buck (mini goats preferred) please? your thoughts on this??

Do your research first and find out which breed you want. There are a lot of mini breeds out there. Then find a breeder in your area. Take a look at the whole herd. See if any look thin, sick, or have abscess scars. If anything seems off, walk away and find someone else. Finding a good vet may be hard, if not impossible. Very few vets are knowledgeable about goats. If there is not a vet near you, be prepared to do any medical care yourself. Annual CDT vaccines, fecals, deworming sound overwhelming, but it's really not that hard if you have someone to show you the ropes.
Do any of you take your goats for walks? :idunno
I do almost everyday. They absolutely love it. Walking two Goats is easier than walking one dog..:wee
Years ago when we didn't have a good pasture I would drag them out to be tied to eat grass for a few hours. I don't think that's what you mean. :lol:

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