Getting Goat kids

I would keep them on the kid stuff until next spring, than switch to the adult if you wanna keep feeding it. Generally I stop rations during the warmer months otherwise they keep screaming all summer when they see me. In the winter I'm in the house more so I can't hear all the complaints. :D

I only feed a smaller amount during winter to mine because our hay is often a bit tough because it never stops raining early enough to get it off earlier. If I could just feed the second cutting they wouldn't need anything extra here.
Definitely I'll do as you say and wait till spring before I change feed. They will definitely get to forage daily in the spring/summer..
Thanks Lisa..:thumbsup
They are Great! Such fun, funny little creatures! They are becoming more cuddly and finding out that scratches from mom are a good thing. I'm so happy I got them!
That's great...:clap
Fancy my older kid is finally tame and loves cuddling. :hugs
Ozzy my baby is a bit Too cuddly and tries to sit on my knee..
What are their names?
That's great...:clap
Fancy my older kid is finally tame and loves cuddling. :hugs
Ozzy my baby is a bit Too cuddly and tries to sit on my knee..
What are their names?
We ended up naming them Bonnie and Clyde because for the first few days they were like wild little outlaws. They kept getting out and then making me chase them:barnie But now they come running no matter what they are doing:love I'm glad yours are taming down nicely, its waaay more fun when you can snuggle them.
We ended up naming them Bonnie and Clyde because for the first few days they were like wild little outlaws. They kept getting out and then making me chase them:barnie But now they come running no matter what they are doing:love I'm glad yours are taming down nicely, its waaay more fun when you can snuggle them.
Cute names. My older kid was getting out too. She panics if she can't see me.
I leash trained mine and walk them daily. They love going for a walk..

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