Getting Goat kids

Well I have horses so I buy grass hay. It has a little bit of Timothy and alfalfa although mostly grasses.
That will be perfect..alfalfa is hard for me to get so most often I buy mixes grasses...they waste a ton...I use what they pull out...because it’s fine...I use it for bedding for ducks. A little hay bedding mixed with mostly straw is what I do..I’m not going to throw away the perfectly good hay just because my goats are picky :lol:
Yes...Definitely having land is a must. We have 7 acres. I have Bantam chickens, Call Ducks, 5 dogs, one Cat, one Cockatiel, two horses and of course my two Goats..:thumbsup
Called the Funny Farm for a reason..:lau
We just gifted our parakeet to my parents because theirs was lonely.

Land is definitely a must when you have lots of animals.

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