Getting Goat kids

We've got severe thunderstorm warnings broadcasting over here. There's some chance of tornadic activity as well. I've been busy staking everything that could possibly blow away to the ground all day. The storm's just now starting to roll in. Hopefully things wont get too crazy :fl
We've got severe thunderstorm warnings broadcasting over here. There's some chance of tornadic activity as well. I've been busy staking everything that could possibly blow away to the ground all day. The storm's just now starting to roll in. Hopefully things wont get too crazy :fl
Jeepers that's not good! We have snow predictions and upwards of 20 cm!
Stay safe Jaimie.. :hugs
Daily goat walk!
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Bad news! Raz while on our walk today shown in the post above must have gotten into Rhododendrum and Mountain Laurels.
Needless to say he is not doing well. Vomiting green with green film around the mouth. He was really blotted but after massaging his stomach and him vomiting we got that down some. I called the vet to get some help and he gave me some pointers. Not much to really do besides supportive care. He said give Gatorade. Pepto Bismol 6ml , I brewed really strong 1/2 cup of black/limpton tea 6 tea bags. Vomiting seems to have slowed some. In the morning I will hit the Gatorade hard to get fluids in him. Actually said 1-2oz of whiskey also.
By the way the only thing that makes ruminants vomit is poisoning of some type.
Fingers crossed that he is still going come morning. :fl
Glad to report Raz is back on his feet and starting to eat alittle on his own. It’s been a rough two days for the little guy. A couple things I noticed was when I was giving pure Gatorade it was making him vomit. When I start watering it down 50/50 he was holding it down better. I was trying to get a cup into him every 1-2 hours. All ruminant owners should really have activated charcoal on hand which I will be buying. Pain meds I believe would have made it easier on the little guy. I think one is called betamin. Here are some photos of what it looks like when your goat has been poisoned. I could not believe he was able to vomit as much as he did.
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This little girly is finally in active labor! She’s a little early and totally surprised me today when I couldn’t find any ligaments on her this morning. She’s been having small contractions here and there and is looking real uncomfortable. Hopefully she won’t pull an all-nighter and have the kids in the next couple of hours

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