Getting into Silkies


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 13, 2012
Gainesville FL
Hello, I will soon be getting an order of Silkie chicks and I cannot wait! I'm not really wanting them for they're eggs but I would love to get a couple of hens to go broody
I have seen a few posts about how small the chicks can be and I am a little nervous on making sure that they have all that they need. Also I am going to build them a different coop rather than leaving them with the rest of my chickens just to be on the safe side is this a good idea?
Thank you, the chicks that I ordered are st. run so Im wondering that if I get more than one roo will I need to get rid of all but one? I'm not sure if they will coincide lol.
Are you getting the silkies just for broodiness? They don't cover a lot of eggs, that's their broody downfall in my opinion. I much prefer the standard cochin for broodiness, and they lay much better. Though if you like them for their looks, go crazy! I have four for ornamental purposes only. I have a 9 and 1/2 month old hen that has never even laid an egg :rolleyes:
i'm doing the same thing! i've ordered 12 silkie hatching eggs from MPC (3 red, 6 blue, and 3 white silkie eggs)....and i had one silkie a couple years ago and she and the LF girls got along just fine, till one day the LF girls snapped and decided they didn't like her. that may have been cuz they were kept in a 7X12 ft run and didn't have free range. well, now all the girls have free range for most of the day so maybe they'll all get along now? especially if i have more than one silkie? BUT, i have plans to keep the silkies in a separate run/coop at first....then i will try to integrate....if it doesn't work...then the silkies stay in their separate coop. i think it would be sweet for them to hatch out a few chicks every year too!
oh wow! lol I love the way they look and I like the idea of them being more of a pet. they're broody nature would only be to hatch they're own eggs if it ever comes to that. I just think that it would be a neat experience.
yes my fear is that I'm going to walk out one day and find them plucked by the other hens lol. I have plans to build a separate coop and run for them.

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