Getting out of jail

Paul Hartley

Jul 14, 2020
My flock of 5 chickens (8 weeks old) has a real Americana bully. After trying squirt gun and noise, I have put her in jail for three days in a separate large wire dog cage (and a small crate at night.). She is able to see her flock during the day. When is the best time to reintroduce her to the flock ( morning when they get up, during the day, or put her in the coop at night?). I feel like I should watch and monitor the reunion in case she failed to reform. She terrorized and injured one of the girls (she’s OK) and pecked everyone’s feet and body relentlessly. The other four have been so happy while she has been gone. Anyone have any thoughts to share? I would appreciate it. (FYI we have a custom-made coop with a 60 square foot run.)
That doesn't sound good...I have no experience with this behavior, but I wish you luck with all your chickens, and with the reintroduction of the bully. Hopefully someone with more knowledge will come along soon.
I'd say in the morning and you might have to "follow" her to correct the behavior. Or maybe pick another resilient chicken and spend time with you and the those tow together and see if they can bond together to tame her down.
Aart: they were initially inside as chicks, spent three weeks in an outdoor dog crate during the day, and inside the house at night.
They have been in the coop and run for a week and a half.
Pix attached.


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Thanks for responding Aart. They were in the coop and run for about four days when one of them was found bleeding just above the tail. We did some first aid and kept the injured girl with the others. A few days later she was bleeding again, and we realized the Americana was the culprit. So it was about a week and a half in the coop and run when we put her in jail. She is on day three today...she can see the others, who are very content at the moment. more question: what is the best time of day to reunite her with the other girls? I’ve heard at night when they go into the coop, in the morning when they emerge, and anytime during the day. Clearly mixed advice. Any opinion? Thanks so much!! more question: what is the best time of day to reunite her with the other girls? I’ve heard at night when they go into the coop, in the morning when they emerge, and anytime during the day. Clearly mixed advice. Any opinion? Thanks so much!!
Not sure it really matters.
If there had been trouble before I'd add back in when I can watch.
And when she becomes a bully again..... wonder if peaceful flock is worth a pot of dumplings

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