Getting ready to incubate duck eggs, and I'm so confused!


13 Years
May 28, 2007
northern IL
I'm getting duck eggs next week, have the incubator set up, etc. but I'm finding so much conflicting advice I don't know what I'm supposed to do. For instance, in Storey's guide to raising ducks, it says to start with 1 temp (101.5?) and raise it by 1/2 degree each week. But other places (including here) I'm hearing 99.5-100. Then I talked to a guy at the farmer's market today who raises poultry and he said stay at 98-99, because too hot might kill them. He also said not to use a digital thermometer, but that seems to be what everyone on here uses.
Then there's humidity. The incubator (a still-air Hovabator) didn't come with a hygrometer, and says to fill the middle section of the tray with water. I did, and added a hygrometer, which is now reading about 75%, but the Storey book says to aim for 55%. Oh, and did I mention that I have 2 thermometers in there and they are telling me 2 different temps about 4 degrees apart?
At this rate, it will be a miracle if I get these eggs hatched without losing my mind.
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Well Nature mom I am getting ready to try this incubation thing for the first time as well. I too will have ducks.

I have the same incubator and I have read somewhere that these still air models need a temp of about 102. My humidity was at like 30 percent when I only filled that one tray, I practically had to pour in cupfulls of water to get it to 55-60%. We are in colorado though - at high elevation - so maybe that has a lot to do with it?

I guess all we can do is experiment and see what happens. Keep us posted and when I set mine I'll post as well.

Good Luck,


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