Jul 31, 2016 #1 Chicken Bff Songster 6 Years May 20, 2016 232 12 114 Missouri if i get rid of my rooster will my hens be sad
Jul 31, 2016 #2 oldhenlikesdogs Let the Spooky Season Begin BYC Staff Project Manager Premium Feather Member 9 Years Jul 16, 2015 59,488 125,631 1,732 Wisconsin They could miss him, depending on whether he was harassing them or not, they may not mind him gone, but I wouldn't use that a reason not to get rid of him if that's what needs to be done.
They could miss him, depending on whether he was harassing them or not, they may not mind him gone, but I wouldn't use that a reason not to get rid of him if that's what needs to be done.