Getting some new hens. what breed?


8 Years
Sep 5, 2011
i have 5 rescude battery hens a light susex a black orpinton a ancona bantam and a cream legbar and a cross bred cockerel, i would like to by a breed of hen that will lay quite alot of eggs and go broody any one know what type i should get and will a ancona bantam go broody or not?
Dont know about bantams, but I have some orpingtons that are supposedly known for broodiness from what I've read...have yet to have the first one go broody out of 4 hens. Looking forward to seeing what the next year brings--have 3 more BO pullets about to come of age. I do love the breed though. They never let me down on egg-laying throughout the year, with the exception of moulting season.
Black Australorps are great layers. As are Delaware. Broodiness in MY flock has been successfully demonstrated by a BA, several Orpingtons (Buff and Blue), a bantam dark Brahma, a blue-laced Wyandotte, two bantam Easter Eggers, and two Sebrights (one Golden and one Silver - those girls really surprised me!)
I had 2 orpingtons and one was ill althrough laying season she eventually fell into a bog but she got her self our then 3 days later she gave up and died and the othe went broody for a wekk then stopped shes only layed 30 eggs this yearr

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