Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

Quiet here?

Only on the surface.

While Inday was at the farm on Saturday there was some tension. Ompoy had been counseled for failing to report issues. He did not want to rock the boat but in doing so, had cost me time and money and cast doubt on ethics. He left for his day off and did not return.

There goes another one.

The good news is we have a replacement starting Tuesday. Dave is a clean cut Baptist lad from our municipality. He interviewed the same time as Ompoy.

I am not sure how long we can sustain staff changes but will give it another try.

Dodong is solid. He is a little crafty which makes me nervous but he is a solid worker. He also knows what a good "wicket" he is on, how much he will lose if he gets fired and that we will fire if we have to.

Dave says he has hard working relatives that we can replace Ariel with.

Ay Ambot
I lose track; was Ompoy the recent recruit you hired after interviews to manage the place? Have you had any contact with him since he skedaddled? It seems odd to leave such a great job so suddenly, is it a cultural difference?
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I lose track; was Ompoy the recent recruit you hired after interviews to manage the place? Have you had any contact with him since he skedaddled? It seems odd to leave such a great job so suddenly, is it a cultural difference?

thats the one!!

either I hurt his feelings or he has another job lined up

he has left on the table several hundred dollars in bonus payable in two weeks
The desperate brown look has now being replaced with green as the wet season is underway

the Mulberry cuttings will be planted this month

calimansi - or filipino lime

A mango seedling emerging

The nursery back at the in-laws place


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