Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

Additional Duties for week commencing April 6, 2014 still not completed

Use scale to weigh pigs 4-9 report
Use tape measure in inches to measure girth behind front leg and length from top of neck to tail in pigs 1-3 and 20.
Calculate G x G x L / 880 to get weight in KG. Report.

Guinea Shed
Have Dominic and Alfred finish converting the breezeway between coops 5-6 into the guinea shed. It does not need a floor but the perimeter needs hollow blocks under the coco lumber. It should have 4 roosts for the birds and a couple of pieces of scrap plywood up against the back wall like a lean-to where the hens can lay eggs in privacy.

Grow-Out Free Range Pen
The Amacan (woven bamboo shhets is for a bamboo framed bahay kubo (thatched roof hut) temporary shelter for the growing birds. The structure should be in the same basic shape as duck shed but be 10ft deep and 15ft wide. It should have 6 roosts 15ft long. The only coco lumber should be in the door. 2 Noceco posts can be the door frame.

The back wall should be level with the wall of the egg house with a netting area extending to the other side of the goat house and level with its fence. It should be as wide as possible – three feet from the nursery area. The 18 feet wide netting should be cut in half to make it 9 feet. Use the narrow ends of the bamboo from the pig roof for posts. It does not need a netting roof.

The bigger the area the more free ranging and less feed we will use.

Target completion 4/15

Mrs Oz will make a run tomorrow to Kabankalan as we are out of hollow blocks and GI sheet. She also wants some dedicated containers for mixing electolyte water and medications. Fridays feed delivery will bring an additional 6 half gallon waterers.

The cast of characters is still changing. Aljay's uncle, Dado did not report for duty again. All his tools are gone so it looks like he has gone for good.

Bernies cousin Alfred is supposedly coming back next Sunday but as you guys are seeing - work professionalism is not a strong feature of the lesser educated Filipino male. We are not the only ones that this happens to - its a really common thing. They make a few bucks then just stop showing up. The guy that delivers our nipa had ti delay it a few days because his workers did not show up and had to find replacements

Tanoy - the laborer came by today. He said he wants to return but not until after Holy week. He does have a carpenter friend who can take over from Dado.

New on the scene is Ibo. He is Ging's (Dominic's wife's) brother who is historically a sugar cane cutter. He will be Dominic's side kick until we can find a student. Cutters work harder than anyone I know so feeding animals, cutting grass and building chicken runs sgould be a walk in the park.
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Additional Duties for week commencing April 6, 2014 still not completed

Use scale to weigh pigs 4-9 report
Use tape measure in inches to measure girth behind front leg and length from top of neck to tail in pigs 1-3 and 20.
Calculate G x G x L / 180 to get weight in KG. Report.

Guinea Shed
Have Dominic and Alfred finish converting the breezeway between coops 5-6 into the guinea shed. It does not need a floor but the perimeter needs hollow blocks under the coco lumber. It should have 4 roosts for the birds and a couple of pieces of scrap plywood up against the back wall like a lean-to where the hens can lay eggs in privacy.

Grow-Out Free Range Pen
The Amacan (woven bamboo shhets is for a bamboo framed bahay kubo (thatched roof hut) temporary shelter for the growing birds. The structure should be in the same basic shape as duck shed but be 10ft deep and 15ft wide. It should have 6 roosts 15ft long. The only coco lumber should be in the door. 2 Noceco posts can be the door frame.

The back wall should be level with the wall of the egg house with a netting area extending to the other side of the goat house and level with its fence. It should be as wide as possible – three feet from the nursery area. The 18 feet wide netting should be cut in half to make it 9 feet. Use the narrow ends of the bamboo from the pig roof for posts. It does not need a netting roof.

The bigger the area the more free ranging and less feed we will use.

Target completion 4/15

Mrs Oz will make a run tomorrow to Kabankalan as we are out of hollow blocks and GI sheet. She also wants some dedicated containers for mixing electolyte water and medications. Fridays feed delivery will bring an additional 6 half gallon waterers.

The cast of characters is still changing. Aljay's uncle, Dado did not report for duty again. All his tools are gone so it looks like he has gone for good.

Bernies cousin Alfred is supposedly coming back next Sunday but as you guys are seeing - work professionalism is not a strong feature of the lesser educated Filipino male. We are not the only ones that this happens to - its a really common thing. They make a few bucks then just stop showing up. The guy that delivers our nipa had ti delay it a few days because his workers did not show up and had to find replacements

Tanoy - the laborer came by today. He said he wants to return but not until after Holy week. He does have a carpenter friend who can take over from Dado.

New on the scene is Ibo. He is Ging's (Dominic's wife's) brother who is historically a sugar cane cutter. He will be Dominic's side kick until we can find a student. Cutters work harder than anyone I know so feeding animals, cutting grass and building chicken runs sgould be a walk in the park.

looks like you & Mrs OZ have things under control

i am seeing a pattern with these workers .........................

can't wait till it's my time to play all those silly games with the local laborers

i'm thinking i can only stand about 6 weeks of fish & rice , rice & fish each winter

whatever i can get done in that amount of time will have to be good enough

i like the looks of those coops for the youngsters

great design!
OGM it is hatch time!!!
First 2 Salmon Fs are out (one is black???).

Lots of pipping!

Is Mrs. Oz still comming to the US in 2 weeks?
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The crew are doing great

Use scale to weigh pigs 4-9 report

Use tape measure in inches to measure girth behind front leg and length from top of neck to tail in pigs 1-3 and 20.
Calculate G x G x L / 880 to get weight in KG. Report.

Guinea Shed

Have Dominic and Alfred finish converting the breezeway between coops 5-6 into the guinea shed. It does not need a floor but the perimeter needs hollow blocks under the coco lumber. It should have 4 roosts for the birds and a couple of pieces of scrap plywood up against the back wall like a lean-to where the hens can lay eggs in privacy.

Additional Duties for week commencing April 6, 2014 still not completed

Grow-Out Free Range Pen
The Amacan (woven bamboo sheets is for a bamboo framed bahay kubo (thatched roof hut) temporary shelter for the growing birds. The structure should be in the same basic shape as duck shed but be 10ft deep and 15ft wide. It should have 6 roosts 15ft long. The only coco lumber should be in the door. 2 Noceco posts can be the door frame.

The back wall should be level with the wall of the egg house with a netting area extending to the other side of the goat house and level with its fence. It should be as wide as possible – three feet from the nursery area. The 18 feet wide netting should be cut in half to make it 9 feet. Use the narrow ends of the bamboo from the pig roof for posts. It does not need a netting roof.

The bigger the area the more free ranging and less feed we will use.

Target completion 4/15
Oz, I was thinking about your situation there where you have workers for a short time and then they move on.

You've probably thought about this and maybe it wouldn't be worth all the trouble but what about having a rotating crew? I don't know how often you pay but if they were to work for the time between pay periods and then not again for another pay period during which time, someone else would work, would it give a little incentive to come back the following pay period and maybe learn to be dependable? Just a thought.

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