Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man


After a day of howling with joy, its back to the chickens!

Now that we have been so successful in getting up an running, it is getting time to focus.

I hope to get the breeds going that I have (plus those with **, yet to hatch or have sufficient numbers), develop them and see what does best - then trim down to a maximum of 9 Large Fowl breeds.

Dual Purpose
BBS Orpingtons
Buff Orpingtons
Barred Rocks
White Rocks
Silver Penciled Rocks
BBS Jersey Giants
Rhode Island Reds
Swedish Flower Hens**
Black Bresse**

Pretty Eggs
Cream Legbars**
Black Copper Marans
Cuckoo Marans
Easter Eggers

Egg Layers
Brown Leghorns
Blue Andalusians
White Faced Spanish**

And banties that with chicken math - dont really count
Golden Sebright
Banty Barred Rocks
Old English Game**

And then there are the pretty ones
White Crested Black Polish
Mottled Houdans**
Naked Necks

I have 11 breeder coops and two that can be used as "holding tanks"/eating eggs and a huge grow out pen with run. I will not build any more coops.

The quail are slowly picking up production. I will vent sex them next trip. We have a lot of males that need to be transfered to the small white coop.

The Chukar are proving to be more trouble than they are worth. They have a defined breeding season and I am not sure I want to feed birds that are so unproductive.

Guineas are starting to kick in well with laying - another bird with a breeding season - but at least they are dual purpose (good eating and bug eaters). From the nine girls we are up to 3-4 eggs per day. We set 18 on Wednesday. Once we get 60 eggs in the bator I will let the Guineas try hatching their own. The new generation will be raised with the free range birds - we shall see how long they hang around.

Turkeys - the project has just begun.

Ducks - 4 Pekin ducklings so far. I would like a few more breeders. Then there are the elusive Rouens.

Scovies - Since we put two in the sausage stuffer, we have no had a single egg. I may just put all of them in the fridge.

Geese - I need

Peafowl - I want
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After a day of howling with joy, its back to the chickens!

Now that we have been so successful in getting up an running, it is getting time to focus.

I hope to get the breeds going that I have (plus those with **, yet to hatch or have sufficient numbers), develop them and see what does best - then trim down to a maximum of 9 Large Fowl breeds.

Scovies - Since we put two in the sausage stuffer, we have no had a single egg. I may just put all of them in the fridge.
OZ we went with Scovies for their meat & because duck eggs are known to be tough to hatch

but Scovies tend to go broody so problem solved.

maybe you thinned them out too much....? upset them, changed the quacking order (even though they don't quack)

not sure what their deal is

have you asked them in a nice way for at least eggs if not chicks?

give em a little time

my 3 males were a nice size last fall, now they are even bigger (not a bad thing)

good luck
OZ we went with Scovies for their meat & because duck eggs are known to be tough to hatch

but Scovies tend to go broody so problem solved.

maybe you thinned them out too much....? upset them, changed the quacking order (even though they don't quack)

not sure what their deal is

have you asked them in a nice way for at least eggs if not chicks?

give em a little time

my 3 males were a nice size last fall, now they are even bigger (not a bad thing)

good luck
I talked with the duck guy about swapping out my scovies- i had given him the eggs to hatch that I brought over.

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