Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

Just read Oz's interview and have to subscribe! Looking forward to reading after the chores are done.
To those of you that contacted me and requested... Your wish is my command

Thank You Sumi!

October is a wonderful month for kidlets... Haloween birthday parties, A chance for dressup at the drop of the hat.... I gave my son a Mad Scientist party when he was about ten.... His birthday is the 12th. Hes going to be 25 this year....

i was born on the 20th so yes, your correct October is a good month for babies to arrive.
The help woes continue. So sorry to hear, I honestly found myself wondering if I could pull off a sea change and come help. Pipe dream there but I could not help myself.

I hope it gets sorted soon, you have fought through this before, you and the farm can do it again.
I have bwwn busy trying to get my own chicken eggs to hatch and just popped in for a minute and was floored. He sold Mozza the waterbuffalo?!? Oh no! I feel so bad for you, and for his poor wife.
Please forgive me if this sound insufferably patronizing.......but I like the old rule that goes thus:

Things are never as good as we think they are when times are good.

And things are never as bad as we think they are when times are bad.

It's gotten me through a lot.
Hi all.

Now that my interview is posted I am sure to get lots of people passing by so let's summarize the local events.

Last time Dominic was here he earned enough in copra sales to buy a buffalo. He sold that one not our Mozza. He sold their family cell phone - a four year old Nokia brick for rum not our smart phone.

I am sorry if I came across unsupportive of Ging. Just to expand a little to air the dirty laundry. We employed Ging when she was eight weeks from giving birth. We paid her a salary that's twice going rate. As she was not contributing to Phil health and this the birth was not covered. We paid for the delivery and had Dominic and Ging pay us back at $2.20 per month. It would take years to pay it back. For the next month we paid Ging maternity leave. We then came back to tiling and she only did light house duties. Dominic and Ging also received $250 in bonuses from the animal sales. They did not offer to use any of that for faster payment of their loan. If they offered I would have declined but I was disappointed that they did not offer.

We have covered their Phil health for another quarter so they have health coverage until the end of the year. By law we only had to start paying it after a year.

When you employ a couple it all in all out. Last time Ging pulled the trigger and Dominic had to go. That gave him eighteen months to develop the drinking problem he came back with but was kept in check by his wife controlling the purse.

As an employer I have to be even keeled. Personally I want to go and beat Dominic to an inch of his life for the abuse he has cast upon his family but that's only my mind not my actions. I am not nor ever have been violent.

The first rule as a supervisor or employer is that your subordinates or employees are not friends. I am a sap because I do develop fondness for them and want them to share in the accomplishments - both emotionally and financially.

I am here a few more weeks. I have time to sort things out. I may be as gimp with a bum leg but I can still scoop poop, bath pigs and hatch chicks. I can even put the goats back in their corral at the first sign of rain.

When you put yourself out there sometimes you get bloodied. The ability to dress the wound and stand up for the next round is what counts. Right now I feel like Manny Pacquio just took me on for a couple of rounds but the bell went off with me still standing and I have a brief pause to get my wind back. I don't know if he will finish me off but my will is still in the fight. Let's hope I win in a points decision.

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