Getting the flock out of here - a diary of a crazy chicken man

Rona seems pretty cool.

Last night the municipal water was out and now it's just enough pressure to dribble from the outside faucets. We had ten minutes of pressure this morning and I got one shower in. They coped OK.

Rona is enrolling her kid the local school. We said we will pay for Catholic school next year. The daughter is just in kindergarten.

She has spent the day sorting out her house but did cook lunch and it was decent adobo.

They arrived dead broke. Not even as toothbrush broke. We kitted the kids out in clothes. The adults will get t-shirts tomorrow.

Today was the first time I have had an appetite since I got here so the pressure must be waning.

I may even have a beer tonight.
Bernie has dropped about 10kg and is as gaunt as he was the first time he arrived.

He opted for a higher pay rather than board included. He will do a deal with his brother and sister in law next door to feed him. This works better for us and keeps us within the law as he is now really an agricultural worker rather than a domestic helper/gardener.
Even though he would have ended up with more money in his pocket at the end of the month, he feels he is getting a better deal and we don't need a contact. He says he is for the long haul.

Rollito has proven great with the animals so will be a good back up if Bernie pulls a Dominic. Its only day one of our full contingency of staff but it feels like it could work.

Rollito spent most of the day sculpting the beach back to it's former glory. We pulled a couple of laborers off the sugar cane fields to pick the grounds clean of anything bigger than a 2 inch twig so Rollito will have a clean slate as a standard to keep to.

The coops are progressing.
The internet is as crappy as usual so forgive the truncated post.

Once the coop is done I will feel better. We are getting over crowded. I mourn the loss of those New Hampshire, barred rock, polish and legbar chicks. I could really have used them. We will have an abundance of BBS orps first which is nice. They are great looking birds.

I got a text today from one of my customers who had his first pullet egg today and is all excited. He wants to buy 40 POL pullets. I told him I would put him on the list.
X2! Enjoy!

we scored a 100' long roll of chainlink fence 6' high for 50 bucks today at the scrap yard

next year we plan to have 1/4th arce fenced off for about 50 buff Orpington cockerels

we are starting to get known among the local Asians for having fresh eggs & poultry

i'm thinking $15 per bird is a fair price as a whole birds is $10 in the store

and they are not all that tasty.

off to class
It's going to be a wet day today. We have been getting half an inch to an inch of rain every afternoon from the monsoon but there must be a low pressure area in the region. My internet is not good enough to get weather reports.

Breakfast is a little late as Rona is trying to settle in.

Meals in my family have always been a time to enjoy together. Tables are set correctly and serving utensils are in place. Filipinos eat with a spoon and fork. Everything is bite size. It takes a little training on how to set things to a western standard.

The other big difference is salt. They use way too much. My mouth feels like a prune if I eat at a local "point point" food stall. Heart and kidney disease are big killers of island people all over the Pacific.

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