Getting them to like me? (Muscovy ducklings)


6 Years
Dec 29, 2017
Battle Ground, WA
I took home 4 straight run Muscovy ducklings from work a few days ago and I've been slowly getting them use to me coming into the coop to feed everyone. Normally I just let the older ducklings take charge of the younger ones but since these are Muscovy, I want them to like me.

For the most part, they seem okay with me but they still keep pushing themselves into the corner of the wall. I've been keeping at their level to not scare them too much.

Any advice?
I took home 4 straight run Muscovy ducklings from work a few days ago and I've been slowly getting them use to me coming into the coop to feed everyone. Normally I just let the older ducklings take charge of the younger ones but since these are Muscovy, I want them to like me.

For the most part, they seem okay with me but they still keep pushing themselves into the corner of the wall. I've been keeping at their level to not scare them too much.

Any advice?
CAT FOOD is like crack for my two 😂 see how yours respond and if it goes as well as I think it will.... Let that be the only time they get it, when they come to get it out of your hands.

Editing to add: Mealworms are great treats as well. Bottom line is find something that your ducks go crazy for and once you find out what that is, then from there on they only get it when they come to you and take it out of your hands. They will start to learn that INCREDIBLE things come from when you are around.
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CAT FOOD is like crack for my two 😂 see how yours respond and if it goes as well as I think it will.... Let that be the only time they get it, when they come to get it out of your hands.

Editing to add: Mealworms are great treats as well. Bottom line is find something that your ducks go crazy for and once you find out what that is, then from there on they only get it when they come to you and take it out of your hands. They will start to learn that INCREDIBLE things come from when you are around.
Only one of them will come up and that's only because I took it for a car ride yesterday
Only one of them will come up and that's only because I took it for a car ride yesterday
It can take a little while so just be patient, they are very smart and curious so if you already have one coming up to you then the others will follow suit soon. My Muscovy made excited trilling noises when I gave here treats and that ended up communicating to my other, "Hey, come over here, you're missing out!"
Muscovy are very cautious when they are in a new location. It can take them a bit to warm up. But they are rather smart. So they quickly learn as you spend time with them that you bring treats and won't hurt them. I got mine at 9 weeks of age and they are suprisingly social despite not raised really young. They will come over to check out what you are doing.
Muscovy are very cautious when they are in a new location. It can take them a bit to warm up. But they are rather smart. So they quickly learn as you spend time with them that you bring treats and won't hurt them. I got mine at 9 weeks of age and they are suprisingly social despite not raised really young. They will come over to check out what you are doing.
These ones are only about 1 week old
These ones are only about 1 week old
The more you spend time with them, the more they will trust you. But even older ones of these ducks can come to trust you. I have a new set I am hoping to use for breeding that I got at about 5 weeks of age. They watch you and learn. We haven't had them even two weeks and they are already starting to get more relaxed around us. Treats will definitely help too. Also the more you interact on a ducks level, rather than towering over them, the more they relax.
We have lots of feral muscovy in Florida and they quickly learn where to scavenge for food. People come to parking lots near retention ponds with bread [ugh!] and they get mobbed with muscovy coming over to eat. Other muscovy ducks walk garden to garden round neighborhoods where they are fed. This really tells you that muscovy learn to come to humans for food -- even out there in the big wide world.
Try giving them peas, that has always worked in getting new ducklings to warm up to me. They get obsessed with peas so quickly and I become their favorite (after the peas)!
Good luck :)

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