getting them to use the roost


10 Years
Apr 25, 2009
as title say, my new girls only wanna sit on there coop, i was lucky enough to score a huge 6 foot high do lot, and bulld a coop inside, with about a 3 foot gap from top of coop to ceiling and i took me 4ever to find the right branches etc.. to get it to work and the dummies wont use it, i tried to go in at night and sit them on it, they all jumped down and and went back to old spot
I know what you're going through, the same thing happened to me. Just be patient and keep putting them on the roost. Do it a couple of times a nightbif you want but just keep doing it every night and they will eventually get the idea. It took 3 weeks before mine finally got the hint.
its best if you place them on the roosts each night so they can get the hang of it, and also make sure that the coop is dark so they wont be able to go down once you placed them on the roost, that way they know that theres where they should sleep.
all right thank you, mabye that is the problem, that i got just as its dark and they are on the roost but not asleep, i shall wait to it is pitch dark tonite
i had the same problem with my RIRs. We've been going out after dark to put them on the roost, and after about 2 and a half months they finally are starting to get it. So just keep at it, and they will cooperate eventually.

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