Getting there! PIC Heavy!!


10 Years
Apr 8, 2009
South Western PA
Hope to be done by next weekend...
Do you think they'll be ready (enough feathers?)




Or do you think I'm being over protective?
Here's the coop as it is now:

We need to cover that corner at the top (right) with panneling. I will cover the rafters both on the inside and outside with hardware cloth for protection (and ventalation).

There will be another row of nests under this one. DH let me use the jigsaw!!


The trench for the wire to be burried around the run. We have alot to do but I think we can get it done in a week?!
Looking good. Love that old door. I don't think you need any more nest boxes. A lot of times the girls will wait in line for the favorite one.

Do you have any windows or ventilation up top? You should just cover that area up top with hardware cloth instead of paneling.

I look forward to seeing pics of how you build your run.
~*Sweet Cheeks*~ :

Looking good. Love that old door. I don't think you need any more nest boxes. A lot of times the girls will wait in line for the favorite one.

Do you have any windows or ventilation up top? You should just cover that area up top with hardware cloth instead of paneling.

I look forward to seeing pics of how you build your run.

It's like 4 birds per nest right???

anyhow, I had a question re: the nests...can the birds just fly up and land in the hole...are they that good of an aim? Or do they need a ladder to get up there?​
thanks for sharing the process .. cant wait until i get to start .. i love love love the door .. good luck - hope you get it done next weekend .. i've learned so much here - it takes longer than you expect seems to be a motto, (that and 'i should of built bigger!)
cute lil chick a dee too ..
It's like 4 birds per nest right???

anyhow, I had a question re: the nests...can the birds just fly up and land in the hole...are they that good of an aim? Or do they need a ladder to get up there?

I will have 4 RIR and 6 Golden Comets, so I think that building another row of boxes under the row thats up may not be necessary... unless I get more...

I will have a ladder for them to get there. I actually have two old wooden ladders that I can use.
The ventalation will be through the rafters on the front and back. I will not cover those with paneling, just the square thats missing.
I will post more pics hopefully this week.
Oh! The door is my favorite part so far! It came from one of the oldest buildings in the town near where we live. We used to own the building and ran a pizza shop out of it (sold it in Feb 2008). I was so glad I could reuse it! The new owners donated it to our chicken coop when they heard we were building one!
THANKS so much for all the inout and suggestions! This website and all of you have helped me so much!

I live in Northcentral PA, and we put ours out in mid-April. At that time I put out a heat lamp with them. They did fine, and boy did they grow since then! Good luck!
We put them out Thursday night, and they are doing wonderful!
All we have to do is put in posts to finish the run and make a pop door. In comparison to what all we have done, I think it'll be easy. Hope to have pics soon. Thanks for all the advice and suggestions, not to mention the encouragement!!

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