Getting you set up for Rabbits


Feb 23, 2015
Petting Buffy Like a Dog
Before you even think about getting a rabbit,you should probably think about how much they cost every year,and any basic needs.

Rabbits need to be dewormed once a year,it is required you do that but not everyone does.They also need 2 vaccination shots every 4 months.It is also VERY required that they are spayed/neutered.If they are not fixed they can catch cancer.Not only this but,they may not live as long as if they were fixed.They also are not as calm.

Lets talk about their diet.
Rabbits need lots of hay.If your rabbits is younger then 6 months,it should use alphalfa hay,and then you should introduce them to timothy hay when they are 6 months.If your bunny is not eating the alphalfa hay,then they need timothy.Then you must also feed them alpalfa hay pellets (almost any type of pellet has alfalfa hay grass in it.)The reason it is so important to have baby bunnies on that hay (alphalfa) is becuase it gives them the neutrients,and other important things they need to grow.I should also mention,baby bunnies should be bottled fed up until 2 months.

Pellets make only about 45% of your pets diet,while hay makes up around 80 or 85% of their diet,You should feed them about a handful of pellets once every day.
Treats shouldn't even make up half of your pets diet.Maybe around 25% every here and there.

Fruits and veggies.
Fruits and veggies should only make up about 30% of your pets diet.

Enrichment and Exercise.

Exercise is very important to a rabbits health.Your rabbit should be tooken out to play at least 3 times a day for about a hour or more if you want.They need to binkie.Will get into that later on.
Toys for your bunny:
Cardboard castles
Tunnels ( Toy tunnels)
Wood chew toy
Optional pieces of cardboard.
Newspaper book
woven toys
Cat balls (Be sure they do not have cat nip applied to the balls toxic to bunnies)
Baby toys (Ones that rattle)
Paper roll toys

Motions or communications rabbits use.
Chinning.Chinning is when a bunny will rub his/her chin on something.This means "This mines back off!".
This is when bunnies race threw the room doing back flips,bunny 500's,kicks to the side flopping on their side,and jumping.
Ways bunnies may get to known their surroudings is by nipping.
Bunnies are bossy.If you are in their way,they will nudge.Sometimes when nudges are ignored,they may nip you,not meaning any harm,they just want you to move.
Grunting:When rabbits grunt its usually after fights,or when their feeling unhappy with you.
Growling:When rabbits growling is usually when they are fighting,or feeling territorial.
Purring:If you get a rabbit to purr,your bunny must love you.Rabbits will purr when they are enjoying something.
Teeth chiming:Teeth chiming usually means your bunny is content with its life,but sometimes teeth grinding/chiming may also mean their teeth are overgrown.
If bunnies are mad at you they may kick wood shavings,or dirt at your face.Or pee on you or any furniture.
Lunging:If your bunny is lunging at you,you should probably back off.They may begin vicouisly attacking you.

Rabbits always need things to chew on,keep in mind,their teeth never stop grwoing,so things to keep them nice and filed would really help not going to vet trips.
Some of this information is useful and helpful, but, my apologies, OP, your inexperience is showing.

I'm afraid some of this information isn't very helpful. For example, there are no vaccines that are approved for rabbits in the United States, and while you can get a rabbit vaccinated for VHD in Australia, they can't get the Myxomatosis shot. Most sources only recommend yearly boosters (I found one source that suggested twice yearly for Myxo) in countries that approve vaccination.

I appreciate that you are trying to be helpful, but I hope people will do a lot of research when thinking about a pet, and make sure they are getting their information from reliable sources. There's a lot of misinformation out there, and sometimes, it's not easy to be sure - on the matter of catnip, for example; some say it's toxic, some say it's safe.

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