Giant egg!


Feb 26, 2010
So far, all our eggs have been pretty normal. We started with our first flock this past spring, and got our first eggs in October. We've never seen one like this before though! The photos don't do it justice. It's just massive, not only in height, but in girth and weight too! Haven't cracked it open yet.

By the way, that "fact" that chickens slow down their egg laying in winter? My chickens missed that day in chick school. I have 11 chickens: 1 brown leghorn, 1 silver laced wyandotte, 1 buff orpington, 1 barred rock, 1 black australop, 2 light brahmas, 2 golden laced wyandottes, and 2 rhode island reds. It's cold and snowy here in Vermont, and they're still giving us 11 eggs a day.


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Me too! So far this week we've been getting 7/7 or 6/7
And cool egg! Post a pic when you crack it open =P
I'm a newbie to Chickens too, and this is my first flock.
Here's our one "big egg" that one of the "girls" laid a couple months ago.
havent had any abnormally large ones since.


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I have a "mutt" hen...don't have a clue what she comes from...who lays jumbo eggs every day. I can't find cartons that they will fit in...even the jumbos. I sometimes wonder if she is part duck.LOL AND...she has laid an egg every day except for 2 for just over a year now. She is one laying machine!! I wonder sometimes which type of chicken she comes from that gives this size eggs.
It's pretty exciting to get those monster eggs isn't it? You have some pretty eggs. As for your hens not slowing down -- all the breeds you listed as having are production birds. On average chickens overall will slow down in winter, meaning some will stop entirely -- some of the ornamentals and more delicate breeds, whereas production birds, such as what you have are simply laying machines. Enjoy.

Wow! That's even bigger than my "jumbo" egg I think. Yours is a monster! I haven't cracked it open yet. Will post when I do!

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