Gil’s world... tr


5 Years
Dec 2, 2018
Hatboro PA
My Coop
My Coop
Hello everyone...

So a few short days ago I was notified by the borough an anonymous neighbor complained about my ducklings but there was nothing they could really do about it.

Fast forward to yesterday, I let the ducks out of their hardware cloth locked pen and them out into the yard. I gave them a tiny pinch of mealworms with some lettuce to handfeed and I sprinkled their pellets among the grass as normal (their favorite way to eat- they fight over it out of a bowl plenty large enough for both). I emptied and refilled the baby pool while they hung out in the yard. I went inside and watched them through the window for a while and my yellow lab was out there standing over them. I went outside, took some videos of them and here comes the big mistake. I posted the videos to the tiny bit of social media I have thinking nothing of it. All my friends LOVED it. The video was of the ducks eating lettuce out of my hand clearly in my backyard. I locked them in the run and then before dark locked them into their house which had a sliding lock. The run had 2 locks up high (sliding and a weird latch one) and then beyond that is the completely secure fence with a normal lift gate latch. Well around 2 am every night I let the dog out and check on the ducks. They’re always fine. They were fine. The dog came in as normal. Woke up this morning and the gate latch was open. The run and coop were closed but my babies ARE GONE.

I’m so incredly heartbroken I almost don’t want to talk about it. I’ve walked the whole creek for 3 miles, searches the whole neighborhoods and let myself into everyone’s backyards. Luckily neighbors were friendly and are keeping an eye out. I made tons and tons of posters offering a reward and I posted them to my social media. Many people screenshotted it so hopefully someone comes forward with any information at all.

The only reason I’m terrible shaken is that 8 years ago, a girl in a neighborhood next door had her indoor/outdoor duck stolen one night and they found out when the person that stole it posted the video of them killing it on Facebook....

This story was really only told to me once before but not by a legit person so I kept it in mind but...

I should have put a lock on the pen, a human lock. A number or letters or whatever. There should have been something to stop people.

I really can’t feel but to blame myself for this one so it’s not a subject I feel like reliving right now. I’ve left posters everywhere, talked to neighbors and local kids that bike all around. The mail woman was even friends with the ducklings and I would always bring them out front for her to see and pet. She’s keeping an eye out for them but she agreed with me, they never left my property and besides they were never outside the run unless I or my dog were with them... a lot of people searched the whole neighborhood top to bottom ALL DAY and there’s not 1 feather to be found anywhere.

My heart feels broken, Gil will definitely get extra snuggles tonight.

AND THIS MY FRIENDS IS WHY MY DUCK SLEEPS INSIDE. I’ll keep the normal routine with getting Gil out daily and a swim from either the creek, a lake/pond or the tub. Other than that, she’s staying right next to me at night. All night, right where I can see her.

Also feel it’s worth mentioning we’ve called the local pd (my town is 1 mile long) so they’ll keep a look out or someone will tell them they saw them hopefully maybe. We also called all the animal rescues and SPCA’s in case the neighbor did it and dropped them off there...

I just hope wherever they are, they’re okay.

If I hear anything I will certainly let you guys know. I posted the flyer to the same platform as the video and I have so many friends emotionally invested that reposted so hopefully if anyone hears anything, they’ll feel inclined to let me know. I also have a friend nearby that has a very large pond on her property and I know stupid kids in town that know of the pond and might dump them there maybe so my friends checking her pond very very shortly.

Staying hopeful....
@Miss Lydia We think it might have been the neighbor directly next door. The other neighbor directly next door is a mom, dad and 2 college aged sons that all ADORE the ducklings. The one that I think reported is in her late 60's though so I'm really not sure how much sabotaging the neighbors is on her agenda ? She was definitely added to my list. The worst part was when I reported it, the local police were like, "you lost two ducks? .. and you think someone .. had reason to .. STEAL your ducks..?" Also there's nothing they can do without some sort of lead so unless someone comes forward to me, I am afraid they will not be doing anything at all.

@WannaBeHillBilly I am hoping for the best but realistically I feel as though I shouldn't do that to myself. I don't want to emotionally string myself out for the next week or so, but I want to send positive vibes into the universe. If I have faith in anyone, it's the mail lady. She really likes the ducklings and I, she walks the whole neighborhood daily (obviously) and she's so sweet and gets everyone to give her the details just by being so polite and happy. Fingers crossed on the mail lady!

@Jpat 2 people quickly felt very bad for me and Luke was VERY fast to blame both of their boyfriends just for their character. The one's boyfriend I don't think would do that though because we both used to be close with him and we have no issues at all. The other boyfriend was some kid from my town that immediately reposted my flyer on social media... His girlfriend also reposted it. Was it just a nice gesture from a couple I am very mildly friends with or guilt? :/ I really don't have issues or drama with anyone though so I don't see any reason for someone to reacting to something I did or said.

@Daphne_loves_mealworms I really don't think there are any camera's around but it is certainly worth asking/checking. I'm avoiding talking to the one neighbor directly next door because I think she's the one that called the borough. I would probably be better off just snooping around on the edge of my property one day after she leaves. I will ask everyone else though! The streets really short, 2 houses across the street and 3 on my side. That leaves me with 4 people and 1 I don't want to ask. Hopefully good luck with the other 3?!

@DiYMama540 That is literally all I have been holding onto. What goes around comes around. I'll probably keep telling myself that until I can fall asleep tonight! I did one last night time look around. It's dark, hope my babies are safe somewhere.

Thanks for all the positive thoughts, I will keep you updated. My friends seem to really believe the persons parents will find out or they'll just realize they can't keep ducks soon and they'll dump them back on my property. I really do hope if they get dumped, it's right back onto my property. I just kept telling everyone there's a reward for their safe return home. I'm just so heart broken and torn on what the future holds now, especially for Gil. She'll always be with me though. I truly hope Gil's life is long lived because I feel as though I will never get enough time in this world with her. If you ever see a book in the future called, "My duck changed my life forever" check it out. If I am ever going to write any book, that'll be it.

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