Girls vs Girls

It's no problem we'll always be here for you!
Well, thats ok then. Its up above. You gonna be ok? btw - your not very negative. Expressing negative things that happen to you isn't the same as being negative.
I think I will, today's just hasn't been a good day, I suppose. I've just had a lot of people be rude to me or take advantage of me lately, and it just gets old, you know?
You can get stye meds at a drug store.

Sorry about your freind, she has bad taste. (boys don't do that crap much)

Bummer about the egg, every single hatching egg is important.
I got some eye drops, according to the label they help get rid of styes.
She's always been a good friend to me, I don't know what made her get weird on me like that.

*sigh* Its true, I put some wax on it because the membrane wasn't broken, but I doubt its alive. I'll candle again in a few days, if I don't see any development at all I'll toss it. But if it doesn't live I'm going to feel horrible about it, I'll have taken a potential life
It's no problem at all Marty! Night!

I hope tomorrow is better for you Owl

I have a long day tomorrow so I must go now too. Night Marty Night Owl

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