Girls vs Girls

That sounds pretty cool.
The coolest thing I've ever been on a tour of is the steelworks. it was awesome.

Fire away.

Our toilet was being stupid, so we had to change the insides of te stuff in the back, and we found flakes of GOLD!!
well we have a well, and it gets dirt sucked in it and i guess the dirt is still fertile (has gold)
That's cool. I've never lived anywhere that has a well before. Sounds very rustic though

Wanna know a secret? When my mom said it had a 'well' i was like" IT HAS A WHALE? IT REALLY DOES?" and she said "Yeah it has a well" and i was thinking "OMG WE HAVE A PET WHALE"
That's funny. :lau

I am always misunderstanding certain words. it's kind of hilarious when I look back.
I once thought someone was saying "eighteen" instead of "maintain".

...It was the American accent, I had no idea what he was going on about. :lau
But after I got used to it was fine :old
That's funny.

I am always misunderstanding certain words. it's kind of hilarious when I look back.
I once thought someone was saying "eighteen" instead of "maintain".
...It was the American accent, I had no idea what he was going on about.

But after I got used to it was fine


Wat time is it where your at? At night, does it get DARK????
No, it stays light 24/7 :p
lol jk, that's only during summer at in the Arctic and Antarctica.

Yea, it gets dark around 6pm in winter and 10pm in summer.
It's now 7:30. So it's dark. :p
No, it stays light 24/7

lol jk, that's only during summer at in the Arctic and Antarctica.
Yea, it gets dark around 6pm in winter and 10pm in summer.
It's now 7:30. So it's dark.

stays light 24/7 here for couple months, in some villages 'de whole summer w/o no darkness

Ooh lucky !!
Wow, you're serious?! That's wacky. As in cool wacky. :p
You must be pretty far north. Excuse my terrible knowledge of US geography. :lol:

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