Girls vs Girls

Yup, pretty cool , in the mountains tho the sun dips just under the horizon
This is where were at --> in-between and on the world map --> (only reason i post a world map is cuz some peoples are dumb and think AK is in the middle of the ocean !!
Ahah, no I know where AK is. :p
It's Hawaii that's in the middle of the ocean :old

And while we're on that topic, nobody seems to know where the Canary Islands are when I tell them I've been there. lol.

I bet that would look nice in the mountains.
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Ahah, no I know where AK is.

It's Hawaii that's in the middle of the ocean

And while we're on that topic, nobody seems to know where the Canary Islands are when I tell them I've been there. lol.
I bet that would look nice in the mountains.

Well thats good to hear!

I dont know where the Canary Islands are..
But.. ive never heard of them

Ya, but we dont live there, but you can see 43052058205 pictures of them, LOL
Although I used to think Alaska was a separate country until I was about 10. :p

Canary Islands are just off the north western coast of Africa.
I know if I looked at an atlas and didn't know they existed, I wouldn't see them, so you're okay.
They are, like, one pixel each they are so tiny. :p

That is a lot of pics. Wow!
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Although I used to think Alaska was a separate country until I was about 10.

Canary Islands are just off the north western coast of Africa.
I know if I looked at an atlas and didn't know they existed, I wouldn't see them, so you're okay.
They are, like, one pixel each they are so tiny.

That is a lot of pics. Wow!
Lol ! i always thought Washing DC was, in washington !!

Ooh, yay im not dumb !

LOL, vwell EVERYONE takes pics of them !
No, course you're not dumb!!
At least I don't think you are. :p

Mountains are good to take pictures of. Shadows always make weird shapes on mountains. lol.
Lol, ya i guess
im watching you-tube videos and one is on put-put (that purple car where you click on tings and stuff..) and im laughing my head off cause i used to lvoe this game XD
I have never heard of that game before. :p Sound hilarious though.

One game I used to play all the time when I was younger is "Bomb it".
Heavens, we had a... bomb with that game (for lack of a better saying)

And "Rebubbled". Have you heard of Rebubbled? GOOD TIMES.
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Well the guy makes videos and either complains about stuff (likes top 10 worst bosses to fight) or just random lists using games (like top 10 cutest characters) and this time he pretended his 'show' needed to be educational, and used a thing about put put a 3 year olds game, but up until i was like 7 i would ONLY play it, and theres like 4 versions - i had one. Eah day, i would fill put put up with gas, search for a pet, click on things because i had no idea what i was doing but i was SO bored xD

No idea.....

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