Give me pictures of your chickens and I'll try to sex them

Thanks. I went back & got 3 more NH reds today & 2 assorted bantams, just incase I got a roo. DH only wanted heavy layers, so I humored him by getting 5 more, lol.
auracauna 3 days old. If needing a more recent picture I can get one later tonight
Could you help me?
This is Boo Boo Chicken she is an Easter Egger

This is Rainbow Dash also an Easter Egger

Here is Twilight Sparkle she is a mottled Java

This is Fluttershy also a mottled java

This one is Oh and a Buckeye

And here is our other Buckeye, Io

And we have Cinderella a cuckoo maran

And last but not least is our other Cuckoo AppleJack

We have no restrictions for keeping Roosters, but I don't want any either.Thank you so much in advance.
Could you help me?
This is Boo Boo Chicken she is an Easter Egger

This is Rainbow Dash also an Easter Egger

Here is Twilight Sparkle she is a mottled Java

This is Fluttershy also a mottled java

This one is Oh and a Buckeye

And here is our other Buckeye, Io

And we have Cinderella a cuckoo maran

And last but not least is our other Cuckoo AppleJack

We have no restrictions for keeping Roosters, but I don't want any either.Thank you so much in advance.
no guesses on the sexes of your birds just a comment on their daughter tried hard to get me to name ours after many of the my little ponies like your birds!
We let the kids name most of them. My 2yo son wanted a Boo Boo Chicken like Donald Duck though. And since my dh is from OH he wanted the Buckeyes. So we named them Oh and Io.

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