Giving corrid to sick chick


Dec 26, 2015
I'm feeding my sick 5 week old chick Corrid liquid in my chick water feeder that's a quart of water. Says 1tsp per gallon so I put 1/4 tsp for a quart. It's a 5 day treatment - the 3 chicks have not finished their water yet. Do I just keep on refilling their water when it's done with more water with corrid??
Anyone have luck saving chicks with Corrid here? My other two chicks seems strong and healthy. My olive Egger is weak and not eating with bloody poop. I'm tube feeding her which is getting her by but not sure if she'll survive.
You need to make a fresh batch at least once a day.
Did you get the powder or liquid?

If you don't think she is drinking enough, then you can use some of the Corid water to mix with her chick starter to make a mash, this will get more into her.

Corid dosage is 1 1/2 teaspoons Corid powder per gallon or 2 teaspoons of 9.6% Corid liquid per gallon.
Give for 5-7 days - make sure this is the ONLY water available during that time period. Mix a fresh batch at least once a day.

After she finishes treatment offer some poultry vitamins and probiotics/plain yogurt.
I got the 9.6 liquid but read online it was I tap per gallon. If it's 2 then I'm under dosing . You are sure on the 2tsp per gallon??
You know more than I do on this so I'm gonna go with what you say and do 2tsp per gallon which is 1/2 tsp for their quart waterer
In your experience, does corrid really help? My olive Egger looks bad and is so weak and frail and won't eat unless I tube feed. My 2 polish chicks are strong and eating but have a little pink in their poop. I have not separated them Bc my vet told me at this point what's the difference. What do I think?? @Wyorp Rock
The biggest problem is that the bottle is "labeled" for cattle, and cattle get one teaspoon per gallon, so many people read that and assume it's the same for poultry. One has to dig around to find the correct chicken dosing info, but it's out there, and it says 1 teaspoon for a moderate outbreak, two teaspoons for a severe outbreak. I don't try to guess if it's moderate or severe, I treat for severe.

In your experience, does corrid really help? My olive Egger looks bad and is so weak and frail and won't eat unless I tube feed. My 2 polish chicks are strong and eating but have a little pink in their poop. I have not separated them Bc my vet told me at this point what's the difference. What do I think?? @Wyorp Rock

Tube the Corid water to her. Her daily dose should be no less than 0.02 ml of undiltued Corid per 100 grams.

In your experience, does corrid really help? My olive Egger looks bad and is so weak and frail and won't eat unless I tube feed. My 2 polish chicks are strong and eating but have a little pink in their poop. I have not separated them Bc my vet told me at this point what's the difference. What do I think?? @Wyorp Rock
Originally Posted by casportpony

Tube the Corid water to her. Her daily dose should be no less than 0.02 ml of undiltued Corid per 100 grams.


Follow Kathy's input on tubing the Corid water.
Hopefully you will start to see improvement.

Let us know how she is doing.
@Wyorp Rock@casportpony my Oliver Egger passed last night :(. I treated the other two chicks with Corrid for 5 days. ( today would be day 6 ---1/2 tsp In a Quart of water. How long do I treat for? Do I continue ?

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