Gizzard impaction - X-ray confirmed. How to proceed?

Thank you everyone for your support - it really meant alot to me. I spoke with the vet this evening and got an update on the necropsy results - it was the right decision. She had tumors in her liver, kidneys, proventriculus, intestines and pancreas. Her liver was also 3-4x its normal size. She had a small grass impaction in her crop but my guess is that is just material that could not pass through because of all the obstructions. Her gizzard was also hugely impacted with grass material. Her abdominal air sacks were all but collapsed from what I understood from the mounting pressure on them. The oviducts and the rest of the organs were as expected.
That is awful, you made the right decision, a death by cancer would be horrible. Sounds like she had a lot wrong, glad she is out of it now.
Mareks was ruled out and the vet has taken pictures of everything and will give me a copy when I go to collect her body. They are also confident that what she had was not a threat to the rest of the flock and that I need not worry about it - it was an unfortunate play of genetics. I will still be careful though - the grossly enlarged liver is concerning and I will close my flock for at least a year to see how things play out.
Good thing Mareks was ruled out, that would be devastating for your flock. Closing your flock is a good idea wouldn't want to give anything nasty to somebody else or bring in a new chicken and seal their fate.

Again I am so sorry about Moe it is so unfortunate, good luck in the future hope the rest of your chickens are doing well and stay well.
I just lost a hen with an impacted gizzard. I'm so sorry your sweet little Moe didn't make it. It's so sad but I'm really impressed with your care and all of the reporting you have done. I hope this helps one of us with our own little girl or boy in the future.

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