Glass block experience?


17 Years
Aug 14, 2007
Hutchinson, MN

Has anyone ever used glass block to get light into the coop? We're wondering how the insulative value holds up? We can't afford low-e windows but need light. We're in Minnesota where there are short, short days and wicked cold nights.

We're hoping the block proves easy to use and that the air in the block insulates...I dunno.

Happy cooping, everyone!

- Kerri
We have only the glass block window in the coop. You know the block with the screen. It did okay last year. We have the regular blocks in the barn and the windows stay clear until it gets into the real sub-zero weather. Then they frost over. Hope this helps tell you how they will do.
A quick google (I am not sure how totally reliable this is) suggests that the R-value of a good glass-block window is no better than a singlepane window with bubblewrap taped over it.

(I use bubblewrap on my basement windows, btw, stuck onto the frames w/doublesided tape, and am pretty happy with it - with care I can reuse a piece of bubblewrap for several years)

It seems to me it would be much cheaper and easier to go that route. (Remember that glass block needs to be on a strong and totally non-shifting support, as well). And then you could use normal windows that open for summertime extra-ventilation.


My husband has installed these. Easy to put together, just remember to use the weather striping caulk between each piece, inside and OUT! Energy efficient for the coop for sure.
I guess I am not understanding the advantage of glass block ($, extra nuisance to install) if a regular window (free if salvage) and bubblewrap (free or very very cheap) gives you the same insulation value?

Of course if one just likes the look of glass block, that's reason enough right there, I guess


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