GLOWING EYES..... *****Awesome wolf RP!*****

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Premium Feather Member
5 Years
Jan 4, 2019
My Coop
My Coop
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A) By participating in this game, I promise that all BYC Rules will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum.

B) I promise that all content is to be rated G and suitable for all ages.

C) I promise that there will be no swearing, cursing (including censoring by using symbols) or inappropriate adult sexual activity or innuendo. This extends to mating, breeding or innuendo in non-human characters as well.

D) I promise to treat others with respect and kindness as is the BYC way.

E) I promise not to post any material that is a violation of copyright. Basically this means: if you didn't create the content (like an image / picture) and don't have direct permission from the content creator to post it, then don't.


Glowing eyes -- A Wolf RP

There are 4 packs of wolves:

1. Wind Pack
2. Swift Footers Pack
3. Howl Stone Pack
4. Mountain Pack (NOTE: All characters MUST be made in this pack.)

-A wolf's pack life is all about rank. Always trying to climb a little higher on the totem pole.
-Because these wolves live in Alaska, they have cold winters with lots of snow.
-Wolves generally like to go after large prey, like Elk, Moose and Deer. But they can also hunt smaller mammals such as rabbits.

ALPHA: Leaders of the pack. Only one Alpha Male and one Alpha Female. The Alpha couple are mates, and have complete control over the pack. Their word is law. They demand respect from the rest of the pack, and get to eat first. Have the power to invite or banish wolves from the pack.

BETA: The second-in-command wolves of the pack. The Alphas' most trusted friends. Only three wolves will get this honor. When the Alphas are away, the Betas take control and demand the same respect in their absence. They get to eat second.

MID-RANKING WOLVES: These wolves are in the middle of pack hierarchy. The majority of the wolves will be in this rank. There are upper mid-ranks and lower mid-ranks. All mid-ranking wolves travel up and down the upper and lower mid-ranks frequently. Because of this, there are many skirmishes to decide who will to be an upper mid-ranker and a lower mid-ranker.
Upper mid-ranking wolf- Get to eat 3rd and display dominance over the lower mid-ranks.
Lower mid-ranking wolf- Get to eat 4th and are supposed to submit to the will of the upper mid-rankers.

PUPS: Pampered by the whole pack, pups are always provided for. As they become juveniles they will become absorbed into pack hierarchy and must earn their place.

OMEGA: The underdog. Lowest ranking member of the pack. Frustrations are taken out on this unlucky wolf, so it gets bullied a lot. Eats last, and often there is none left.

LONE WOLF: A loner. Lives alone in the forests, scavenging whatever they can find as they have no pack to hunt with them. Will sometimes be accepted into a pack.

(You can pick any of these exept the female Alpha. Reserved for me!!!!)
Physical description:


Shark, the female Alpha wolf stretched as she walked out of the Alpha den. She looked around at her wolves, making sure everyone was there. She made her way to the food pile, where she found a rabbit from the mornings hunt. She carried it pack to the entrance in her den and sat down. Soon the evening would be here, and a hunt could begin. She wanted fresh meat for herself and her pack all the time. She wanted them to be healthy.

We will start once we get a few players! Also, you maybe create up to 3 wolves!

Please enjoy! This is my first Role Play, but I will do my best to make sure things run smoothly. :)
And feel free to ask questions!

Gender: Female
Pack: Mountain Pack
Rank: Alpha female
Mate: (Someone needs to make her a mate)
Personality: Stern at times, takes good care of her pack. Playful with the pups. Likes action.
Physical description: Almost all black with white paws. Very strong looking!
Other: Loves rabbit meat.

(Tagging: @ladybugchickenfarms @PollyGirl21 @LoveMyChickenBabies)
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Sounds fun!

Name: Moon
Gender: female
Pack: Mountain Pack
Rank: lone wolf
Mate: none
Personality: does everything by herself and purposely stays away from the pack, very mysterious and likes to read
Physical description: midnight black with red eyes
Other: surprisingly a vegetarian, rarely comes out during the day
If more people join we can start RPing soon. I will create another wolf to get things going.

Gender: Male
Pack: Mountain Pack
Rank: Higher Mid-ranker
Mate: Tofu
Personality: Fun, out going, great dad to his pups!
Physical description: Regular grey looking wolf with greenish eyes.
Other: Good hunter

Name: Clover
Gender: Female
Pack: Mountain Pack
Rank: Higher Mid-ranker
Mate: Jackson
Personality: Nice, friendly, loving mother. Shy with other wolves at first but once she gets to know you she's a talker!
Physical description: Silvery grey with white on the belly.
Other: Has 3 pups

(Can some people please make the pups? I really want this RP to start going.)

ETA: Am I going to need to RP by my self?
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Please Read First

A) By participating in this game, I promise that all BYC Rules will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum.

B) I promise that all content is to be rated G and suitable for all ages.

C) I promise that there will be no swearing, cursing (including censoring by using symbols) or inappropriate adult sexual activity or innuendo. This extends to mating, breeding or innuendo in non-human characters as well.

D) I promise to treat others with respect and kindness as is the BYC way.

E) I promise not to post any material that is a violation of copyright. Basically this means: if you didn't create the content (like an image / picture) and don't have direct permission from the content creator to post it, then don't.


Glowing eyes -- A Wolf RP

There are 4 packs of wolves:

1. Wind Pack
2. Swift Footers Pack
3. Howl Stone Pack
4. Mountain Pack (NOTE: All characters MUST be made in this pack.)

-A wolf's pack life is all about rank. Always trying to climb a little higher on the totem pole.
-Because these wolves live in Alaska, they have cold winters with lots of snow.
-Wolves generally like to go after large prey, like Elk, Moose and Deer. But they can also hunt smaller mammals such as rabbits.

ALPHA: Leaders of the pack. Only one Alpha Male and one Alpha Female. The Alpha couple are mates, and have complete control over the pack. Their word is law. They demand respect from the rest of the pack, and get to eat first. Have the power to invite or banish wolves from the pack.

BETA: The second-in-command wolves of the pack. The Alphas' most trusted friends. Only three wolves will get this honor. When the Alphas are away, the Betas take control and demand the same respect in their absence. They get to eat second.

MID-RANKING WOLVES: These wolves are in the middle of pack hierarchy. The majority of the wolves will be in this rank. There are upper mid-ranks and lower mid-ranks. All mid-ranking wolves travel up and down the upper and lower mid-ranks frequently. Because of this, there are many skirmishes to decide who will to be an upper mid-ranker and a lower mid-ranker.
Upper mid-ranking wolf- Get to eat 3rd and display dominance over the lower mid-ranks.
Lower mid-ranking wolf- Get to eat 4th and are supposed to submit to the will of the upper mid-rankers.

PUPS: Pampered by the whole pack, pups are always provided for. As they become juveniles they will become absorbed into pack hierarchy and must earn their place.

OMEGA: The underdog. Lowest ranking member of the pack. Frustrations are taken out on this unlucky wolf, so it gets bullied a lot. Eats last, and often there is none left.

LONE WOLF: A loner. Lives alone in the forests, scavenging whatever they can find as they have no pack to hunt with them. Will sometimes be accepted into a pack.

(You can pick any of these exept the female Alpha. Reserved for me!!!!)
Physical description:


Shark, the female Alpha wolf stretched as she walked out of the Alpha den. She looked around at her wolves, making sure everyone was there. She made her way to the food pile, where she found a rabbit from the mornings hunt. She carried it pack to the entrance in her den and sat down. Soon the evening would be here, and a hunt could begin. She wanted fresh meat for herself and her pack all the time. She wanted them to be healthy.

We will start once we get a few players! Also, you maybe create up to 3 wolves!

Please enjoy! This is my first Role Play, but I will do my best to make sure things run smoothly. :)
And feel free to ask questions!

Gender: Female
Pack: Mountain Pack
Rank: Alpha female
Mate: (Someone needs to make her a mate)
Personality: Stern at times, takes good care of her pack. Playful with the pups. Likes action.
Physical description: Almost all black with white paws. Very strong looking!
Other: Loves rabbit meat.

(Tagging: @ladybugchickenfarms @PollyGirl21 @LoveMyChickenBabies)
Maybe I have more time than I thought

Name: Flower
Pack: Mountain Pack
Rank: Omega
Mate: She never chose one
Personality: Flower enjoys being the omega, believe it or not. She believes that if she fills that role, then others won't have to go through that torture that she does on a daily basis. She is extremely humble and takes care of the pups as if they were her own. She has a special place in her heart for them since she has always wanted pups but is now too old to have them. She isn't perfect, however. Sometimes she steals a little food when no one is paying attention when her hunger gets the better of her.
Physical Description: Completely brown with scars crossing her pelt from beatings in the past. Her tail is bushy and her eyes are a dark amber.
Other: N/A

Name: Ice
Pack: Mountain Pack
Rank: Alpha Male
Mate: Shark
Personality: Ice is very responsible and tries to look at things logically. He adores his mate and would do anything for her, even give up his life. He is an extremely skilled fighter and is very loyal to his Pack. He has a bubbly side and a responsible, kind of brutish side. He shows the pups extreme care, always giving them kindness. He rarely tolerates fighting in the camp unless its about rank or taking frustration out at an Omega.
Physical Description: White with light streaks of grey across his pelt. His fur is short and he has piercing blue eyes.
If more people join we can start RPing soon. I will create another wolf to get things going.

Gender: Male
Pack: Mountain Pack
Rank: Higher Mid-ranker
Mate: Tofu
Personality: Fun, out going, great dad to his pups!
Physical description: Regular grey looking wolf with greenish eyes.
Other: Good hunter

Name: Tofu. Sorry guys. This name was supposed to be Tofu, not clover.
Gender: Female
Pack: Mountain Pack
Rank: Higher Mid-ranker
Mate: Jackson
Personality: Nice, friendly, loving mother. Shy with other wolves at first but once she gets to know you she's a talker!
Physical description: Silvery grey with white on the belly.
Other: Has 3 pups

(Can some people please make the pups? I really want this RP to start going.)

ETA: Am I going to need to RP by my self?

Sorry guys. The name is Tofu, not Clover.
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