GLOWING EYES..... *****Awesome wolf RP!*****

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Tundra went into camp and flopped on the ground. Why do I feel like I'm being stalked all the time? he wondered, looking around

Shark went around the other way then quietly slipped back into camp. She walked over to the food pile (lets say they just went hunting) and ripped off a deer leg. "Mmm!" She said out loud. "I'm glad we hunted this morning."
Name: Eclispe
Gender: Female
Pack: Mountain Pack
Rank: Omega
Mate: None
Personality: Strong heart, couragous, brave, but other wolves don't know this cause they never take the time to know her.
Physical description: All black, except for half her face which is white, with a scar going down her white side of face on her eye. one eye is bright blue, and the other is bright green
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