GLuten free feed??????

I've watched some vids on youtube and looked it up on google. The only thing they don't tell you is how the system works long term. I am glad to know the Sterlite is working well for you because that is what I have been looking at. Another question if you don't mind, how many meal worms did you start with in ratio to the number of chickens you have? I think because oats and rice are very cheap in our area I will see about using a mix. I'll be doing a bit more research on this as well. Thank you for the info, every little bit helps on our journey through homesteading =)
I've watched some vids on youtube and looked it up on google. The only thing they don't tell you is how the system works long term. I am glad to know the Sterlite is working well for you because that is what I have been looking at. Another question if you don't mind, how many meal worms did you start with in ratio to the number of chickens you have? I think because oats and rice are very cheap in our area I will see about using a mix. I'll be doing a bit more research on this as well. Thank you for the info, every little bit helps on our journey through homesteading =)  
I'll post 3 pix of our meal worm farm for you if I can. We started with only about 50-75 meal worms. We didn't do any calculations. Wed buy a container of 25 for fishing and bring home what we didn't use and put them in the box. As you will see, we have tiny babies and much bigger ones that hopefully in another month we can take out for fishing and feeding.There are hundreds in our box right now. Let me know how the other grains works out. Will you use gluten free oats? Here's our simple setup:

All ones yet and some darkling beetles:

These are much bigger:
Interesting, I wondered what it would look like. The large drawer containers are a good idea.
I will be using the non-gmo oats because they are naturally gluten free and the avenins in the oats do not bother me at all. I do know they cause problems for about 1% +/- with people who have celiac. I really think the percentage is much higher than 1%. but if I were very sensitive I would not use oats but rather choose peas, alfalfa, flax, or another gluten free grain.
My goal is to eventually be self reliant being able to provide the full sunflowers I grow year round for the chickens. Next year I am planning a chicken garden hopefully I can grow a large number of vegetables just for the chickens.
What you said about getting the meal worms for fishing I didn't know you could do that. So, do every/most bait shops carry live meal worms? I don't fish as of yet but I might consider it in the future =)
In Virginia you can get wheat free/soy free organic feed as well as corn free organic feed from this company. Our chicks are still on grower but when we switch them to layer this is what they will be eating. Really good looking stuff! They can ship or if your lucky like me I can meet and pick it up from their monthly drop off route.

I have lots of friends with gluten issues so thought we might try them on the wheat free feed to see how they do as we plan on sharing eggs.

Thanks for being such a great group. I have learned so much in my few weeks as a chick momma. I have spent many weeks and months researching prior though and this site really helped us gain the knowledge and confidence to get some chicks!!

Mom to two black labs, two busy bee hives, 6 pond fish, 2 australorps and 1 americauna chicken all residing in an urban city location.
Wow I wish we had something as awesome as the new country organics here! It would be great to have peas and lentils in my chicken mix. For me to order it the cost would be almost double because of shipping.
I am glad to hear you are working out a great system for your chickens =)
RVA fanfarmer ....... my bag has a lot of fines in it... The pic looks misleading. on their website... UNLESS Our store has it too long and grain weevils etc in it...
I have bought the "starter"from them . But unfortunately my Hubby bought the Layer feed this time.. It also has a lot of "powder" in it. S I have been "fermenting" it....
OH I DONT see a corn, wheat and soy free combination on THEIR website.....
SO,....... lynhill
What did you change to for your mealworms? I got a big bag of Rice Bran... but concerned it may be too old and weavil infested....
I got those drawers in three .. got Rice Bran in one and cracked wheat or wheat bran in another and prob Oat bran in the other
There wAS A LINK to a Paper on mealworms and such as to different beddings that were used and the results.. an older Experiment published findings....
Just a wonderings thanks
I'll post 3 pix of our meal worm farm for you if I can. We started with only about 50-75 meal worms. We didn't do any calculations. Wed buy a container of 25 for fishing and bring home what we didn't use and put them in the box. As you will see, we have tiny babies and much bigger ones that hopefully in another month we can take out for fishing and feeding.There are hundreds in our box right now. Let me know how the other grains works out. Will you use gluten free oats? Here's our simple setup:
All ones yet and some darkling beetles:

These are much bigger:
Thanks so much for posting, Lynnhill! This has given me the confidence to try growing my own meal worms I learned that all dried meal worms are imported from China from one of the distributors. Ugh. Plus my hens love them!

"Beginnergirl"-You are very welcome. I'm glad my meal worm post & photos helped you.I must say that growing meal worms is about the easiest thing anyone can do, along with the fact that it's interesting to watch these tiny creatures go through their growth cycles.And I didn't know that most dried worms come from China. I'm still feeding all my fowl & my desert tortoise dried meal worms that I buy from TSC, bc we don't have enough supply of our own yet. Now I'm curious, and will look at the label on that bag to see if it says China on it.
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plus someone, I believe on here said rhey are taken from poo......... It doesnt surprise me in the least
OH< also buckwheat is supp to be Gluten FREE. I buy it as "Kashi"
what is it about Blue corn????? Never heard Jeffery Smith as in EVIL corpoation...Monsanto, bringer downer guy, Book is "Seeds of Deception". and video traiker. "Genetic Roulette"),mention blue corn being okay..
Katherine Albrecht asked him or maybe it was JOYCE Riley from the "Power HOUR"r He also said they are changing their NAME. his other video trailer is . jeffery smith site is

The only corn last I heard HIM say was popcorn <so far, not GMO.... so far.....
Are you listening evil ones, we are on to yall.... the elite treating us as cattle....
just a saying
thanks yall

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