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As a farmer I was watching this thread. The above post is so full of misinformation tho I had to comment.

Farmers are not bullied by Monsanto.

Monsanto is not the only place we farmers can get soybean seed.

I'm not sure what you mean by "wasted seeds"

We use round up to control the weeds in the fields.....before that we used cultivation.....haven't ever in my life seen any field hands weeding in the field. We farmers use less chemicals and fertilizers per square foot of ground than what city people apply annually to their yards.

If you didn't use GMO seed, couldn't you save seed to replant next year, this saving money? I use open pollinated varieties of everything in my garden and unless the plants will overlap and take too long to go to seed, causing me to lose valuable crop space, I leave a plant or two for seed saving. Saves lots of money otherwise spent on buying seed each year. Soy and corn are very easy to save seed from since the end product is the seed.
Round up ready crops are causing round up resistant weeds, this is a fact. Another fact is that, due to the monoculture of weed free fields, we are losing habitat for valuable and endangered species of birds and insects. Not something most people often think about but when they're gone theyre gone. Because a field of round-ready corn or soy has so many fewer weeds than traditionally planted soy or corn, there are less native weeds for butterflies, pollinators, predatory insects and birds. When the chemicals stop working, we will need those bugs and birds. We need the pollinators to raise crops like squash and any kind of fruits, of course.I cant think of a use for butterflies the butterflies, although they're beautiful to look at and I'm sure they are in the food chain for somebody. Monarch butterflies have dropped drastically in number since the increase in GMO crops.
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It depends. If your open pollinated seed produced $200 worth of corn per acre, and purchased hybrid corn produced $260 of corn per acre, and the hybrid corn seed cost $10 per acre of corn planted, you're actually losing money to use open pollinated seed.

(Numbers used for dramatic purposes. Actual numbers would include cost of spraying for weeds and plowing for non-roundup ready seeds, plus the decreased yield, plus other stuff.)

Round up ready crops are causing round up resistant weeds, this is a fact.

Errr. No. It's not the GMO crops, it's the use of roundup. And it's the use of roundup - including its generic alternatives - by anyone. Round up is NOT in the GMO round up ready corn or other crops, until the crop has been sprayed by the farmer. Use of any chemical - by farmer, gardener, animal or plant - creates an incentive for another organism to become resistant to it. And some weeds (including pig weed, which most everyone already hated a good bit) are showing signs of roundup resistance. Still shovel-liable.

Another fact is that, due to the monoculture of weed free fields, we are losing habitat for valuable and endangered species of birds and insects. ... Because a field of round-ready corn or soy has so many fewer weeds than traditionally planted soy or corn, there are less native weeds for butterflies, pollinators, predatory insects and birds.

Hogwash. Firstly, the weeds would be dealt with in SOME manner - either roundup, or a much nastier chemical, or extra cultivation with a petroleum fueled tractor, or some poor soul hoeing the crop. Claiming that native weeds in a crop field were significant supports for, well, much of anything - I would REALLY love to see the study showing this.

Secondly, an increase in weeds in the field increases the amount of weeds in the crop when harvested - which includes toxic seeds mixed into the wheat and corn and ground into bread for people and feed for geese. Not a good thing by me.

Thirdly - Roundup ready increases yields. Increased yields means less acres need to be planted to produce the same amount of bread and geese grain. This means less wilderness land needs to get plowed up to be planted for grains.

Monarch butterflies have dropped drastically in number since the increase in GMO crops.

Do you have a link to this study?​
For those who have 4-legged livestock & feed alfalfa. It now contains GMO, thanks to monsanto !!! I have 2 mules so I don't have to worry about infertile problems but I do worry about other problems that we do not know about GMO. It is just a $$$ thing for monsanto plus there having control over us , as a people, thanks to our govt. control.

I did see a farm show about farmers being bullied by Monsanto. Monsanto has genetically messed with soy. Monsanto is the only place farmers can get soy bean seeds and they are not allowed to use the wasted seeds or they will have a problem. Also, In order to grow soybeans a chemical is used to stop weeds which do away with farm hands in the field. It was a very disturbing program. Made me think about things that's for sure. I do believe GMO's have become a problem in all foods and not just animal feed. Companyies do use GMO's in everything and it's not a good thing.
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