G'nite Tom

whack it with a broom. JUST KIDDING. Unless that really works? har har har.

No, to take a dogs prize possession away, if it is still clamped in its mouth is to grab the dogs lower and upper jaw near the front of the muzzle and pull it open. then shake the muzzle a bit to dislodge the prey item, and with one hand on the dog, pick up the prized item for the garbage. Good luck! My dogs would have swallowed it whole by now.
Host: So Aoi what is your character?

Aoi: Star

Host: Star? The Gazette's star!

Aoi: no!...Japan's star

Host: Japan's Star!!

Aoi: no!!....maybe the world's?

Host: eeh worlds star....World class star!!

Aoi: I think I have gone a bit overboard.

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