Goanna practically on my door step!

A couple of years ago there was a big snake in my chicken coop, probably 6-7 feet long. It was just a common chicken snake so I hated to kill it bit he was not welcome in the chicken coop. So I caught him and put him in a feed sack to relocate him. I drove to one of our family farms that is secluded and intended to take him there. It is a dead end rode and before I got to the farm I met my dad and he had the road blocked with his truck. He waved for me to get in his truck so I left my vehicle and got in his, feed sack in tow. He wanted me to help him move some equipment. I agree. He asked what I was doing out there and I told him I was relocating a snake. This is how the conversation continued...

"I came out here to drop this snake off that I found in the chicken coop."
"Snake? What snake?" He is visibly nervous now.
"This snake." as I raise up the feed sack that is in the middle seat between the two of us.

At this point the brakes lock up, he starts speaking in tongues and flapping his arms little a startled chicken.

I get out and walk the snake into the woods and let him go, laughing all the way.
Thank you now I can pass along the legend.
Lol not a problem :)

A couple of years ago there was a big snake in my chicken coop, probably 6-7 feet long. It was just a common chicken snake so I hated to kill it bit he was not welcome in the chicken coop. So I caught him and put him in a feed sack to relocate him. I drove to one of our family farms that is secluded and intended to take him there. It is a dead end rode and before I got to the farm I met my dad and he had the road blocked with his truck. He waved for me to get in his truck so I left my vehicle and got in his, feed sack in tow. He wanted me to help him move some equipment. I agree. He asked what I was doing out there and I told him I was relocating a snake. This is how the conversation continued...

"I came out here to drop this snake off that I found in the chicken coop."
"Snake? What snake?" He is visibly nervous now.
"This snake." as I raise up the feed sack that is in the middle seat between the two of us.

At this point the brakes lock up, he starts speaking in tongues and flapping his arms little a startled chicken.

I get out and walk the snake into the woods and let him go, laughing all the way.
hahaha some people get so scared over snakes and animals like that, it can be really funny to see some peoples reactions XD

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